By Dave Brown, Manager Ancillary System

On Thursday, October 10th, Duncan became a member of ITS Ancillary Systems, effectively increasing our staffing component by 50%!

Prior to “taking Duncan to work”, my interactions with Duncan were limited to a few handshakes or presentations to senior management… not really conducive to discuss business one-on-one, so when he announced he would visit some departments, I jumped at the opportunity to invite him to our small department.

About Ancillary Systems

Ancillary Systems staff support everything Campus Card related.  This includes production of the actual card and support of all of the “touch points” where the campus card can be used across campus and beyond.  Supported services are:

  • copying
  • printing
  • bookstore purchases
  • vending
  • laundry

  • meal plan usage
  • physical security through an ever-growing number of CBORD access doors across campus

We have also expanded our reach to allow for payment of

  • parking fees
  • Pay & Display fees
  • CUOL extension course fees
  • local taxis

We accept payment onto campus cards in person or via web or mobile applications, and recently added payroll deduction.

In short, if anyone in the Carleton community needs to eat, buy something, pay for something, or gain secure access past a door, they are a client of Ancillary Systems!

In Dickensian tradition, discussions were much like a visit from ghosts of past, present and future.  We have grown from 4 to 11 servers.  We have eliminated some of the archaic equipment from our environment and we have deployed state of the art equipment in other areas.  We now support over 850 doors, and this number is growing.  On average, someone is swiping a campus card every 3 seconds!

The campus card system now plays a strategic role in the continuous expansion of Carleton University and integration with other enterprise systems is key in supporting Carleton’s initiatives in stewardship of resources and sustainability.

The ‘Take Duncan to Work’ Opportunity

As a middle manager, it is often difficult to feel that what we do matters, but discussions were very inclusive.

Overall, Duncan’s short time with Ancillary Systems was frank, positive, and motivating.  It is encouraging that senior management is showing a truly vested interest.

On a personal level, Duncan most engaging and caring.  I would encourage any department within F&A who has not taken advantage of this opportunity to reconsider.

If you would like to participate in ‘Take Duncan to Work”, contact