Currently, women make up only a small percentage of employees working in the high-tech field. Post-secondary institutions such as Carleton University are trying to change this trend by encouraging more females to pursue careers in the science and engineering fields. Check out the Ottawa chapter of the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) website for more information.

This special blog post will focus on the many skilled female technologists here in ITS and will share with you their roles and why they enjoy working with technology to encourage other females to pursue a career in technology.

Here’s what some of my female colleagues in ITS are saying about their current positions:

  • “I work in ITS as a developer for Graduate Studies on the Student Banner team.  I do web development and program in PHP, MySQL, ORACLE and HTML. I enjoy web development, I find it fun.   The work I’ve done in ORACLE for Banner has been fun too and I find the power of technology very interesting and useful in our daily lives.”
    Serena Malin
  • “As a System Administrator, computers simply gives me the pure fair response as reward to my hard work, either 1 or 0, true or false, no kind of grey area. Also learning new technology and applying it makes working life interesting and challenging, good for anti-aging.”
    Bei Chapman
  • “As a web facilitator at Carleton, I get to work on a project that gives people the ability to publish their own content to the web no matter what their technical background. The internet is all about possibility and opportunity. Elegant and inexpensive (even free…) tools are available today that make it possible for anyone, anywhere to put their ideas out there. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. What an exciting time to be working online!”
    Charlotte Bradley
  • “I enjoy discovering new and cool tools, keeping up-to-date on what is going on with the latest technology trends and gadgets, and learning from my colleagues. I like being able to use these tools daily from helping me to keep in touch with friends and family or giving a current spin to my school presentations.”
    Konval Matin
  • “I enjoy the fast pace of working in tech and how my routine changes every day according to the site requirements. My favourite aspects of my current role are the great people I get to work with and web graphic design which allows for more creativity. ”
    Natalie Graham
  • “I work in ITS as the Communications Advisor.  I don’t consider myself to be a very technical person, so there is always something new for me to learn and discover.  There is also so much collaboration and I get the opportunity to work with different departments on interesting, large scale projects.”
    -Mary Kathryn Roberts-