The increased use of mobile technologies allows users to access and use sensitive University data from any location. To protect this data, the University must ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place and maintained.

If you use a portable computer, employ the following safeguards in the event that the device is lost:

  • Install and enable Firewall software
  • Use Enterprise antivirus
  • Install updates and patches when prompted
  • Use a strong password
  • Enable disk encrytion

Portable computers must be locked, either in a secure area or via a cable-lock.

ITS reminds you to store sensitive information on your portable computer only for as long as it is required and remove the data in a secure manner when it is no longer needed.

University owned portable computers must be disposed of through ITS Hardware Services. Hardware Services will ensure that all data is securely erased prior to disposal.

There is a policy on Mobile Technology Security that encompasses, portable computers, portable storage media, smartphones and tablets. Click here to read the full policy.