Please beware of phishing emails circulating on campus with a subject line containing “Documents Pending” & “SUMMER PART-TIME JOBS OPPORTUNITY”. These are phishing emails and should be deleted immediately.

Do not click on the link within the body of the message and do not reply or respond to the message.

If you have already responded to this email, please change your password immediately.

Always be wary of unsolicited email that asks for personal information, or tries to convince you to click on a web link to update personal information.  These are often phishing emails.

How can you tell if an email is a phishing attempt?

  • There is a call for immediate action – “download this now” or “confirm you email identity now” or “click on the link below”.
  • It asks you for your password or directs you to a webform asking for your password.
  • It has bad or unknown email addresses.
  • The subject line is in all caps.
  • Messages marked with [External Email] warn that the email has come from an external sender and may not be legitimate, especially if it appears to come from an email address.
  • There are spelling or grammatical errors in the email.
  • It asks you to purchase gift cards or bitcoins and then asks to send the details of the cards electronically.
  • It asks you to send money, checks or other currency.

Please visit our IT security page for more tips on protecting yourself online.