The University of Ottawa and Carleton University have signed a memorandum to collaborate and coordinate on cyber security incident management.

“We have a responsibility to protect our institutions information systems and data against constantly evolving cybersecurity threats.  By coordinating our efforts, we can work together to tackle our shared challenges.” said Tim Lott, Chief Information Officer at Carleton University.

Tim Lott and Martin Bernier shaking hands after signing MOU

Martin Bernier (CIO, University of Ottawa) and Tim Lott (CIO, Carleton University)

The signed agreement confirms the commitment to jointly develop common incident response plans, guidelines and best practices. This will allow for information sharing and coordination for the purposes of incident response.

“We are excited to work together this year on best approaches to prevent and respond to cyber security threats.“ said Martin Bernier, Chief Information Officer at University of Ottawa.

Coordinating efforts around cyber security protection, detection, prevention, recovery and response will help both institutions better safeguard their systems and information.