Please beware of phishing emails circulating on campus which appears to be from the University Library.

This campaign is currently targeting Students in an attempt to steal credentials by trying to convince them that they need to authenticate in order to renew access to Library resources, or to prevent access or accounts from expiring.

The phishing email will have either a link or a document that directs the user to a website that is a copy of the Library website, but on a different, external domain/URL.

See a sample of this latest phishing email below:

If you receive the above phishing email, please delete it immediately.  If you have already responded to this email, please change your MyCarleton One (MC1) password immediately.  If you require assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk at 613-520-3700.

Phishing is an attempt of acquiring personal or sensitive information such as credit card information, passwords, etc. by sending an email that appears to be from a legitimate sender.

Here in ITS we will continue to fight the good fight against phishing emails, but your assistance would be extremely valuable in the fight!  Don’t take the bait; if you receive an email that you’re not sure is legitimate, here’s what you can do:

  • hover over the senders email to confirm the address matches the senders name, if they don’t match, delete the email
  • hover over any links to see where they point to before clicking
  • never reply to an email with your password or click on a link to provide your credentials

Remember, ITS will never ask you for your password!