Please beware of ongoing ‘JOB OPPORTUNITY’ scams circulating online and through email. The latest appears to be from Carleton University.

Sample of this phishing/scam email:

These scams request that a student communicate using their Carleton email address.  If student responds, they are then contacted by potential “employers” offering a job.  The ‘scammer’ or ‘potential employer’ sends cheques for the student to cash, then requests that they send them items, gift cards or bitcoin.

This is a scam and should be ignored.  If the scam is received via email, the email should be deleted immediately.

If you have already fallen for this scam by sending personal information to the scammer, or by depositing/cashing cheques, please contact Campus Safety Services immediately.

How can you tell if an email or online post is a scam?

  • The sender asks to send money/or other form of money such as Bitcoin, gift cards, cheques, etc.
  • Asks you for your password or directs you to a webform asking for your password
  • The subject line is in all caps
  • There is a call for immediate action – “download this now” or “confirm your email identity now” or “click on the link below”
  • There are spelling or grammatical errors in the email

Please visit our IT security web page for more tips on protecting yourself online.