cuTheme, our new web template, has been rolled out to select web managers across campus as part of a pilot phase.

Powered by WordPress and its new editor, Gutenberg, cuTheme enhances the look, feel and functionality of Carleton’s websites, while also providing a streamlined block-based editing experience that allows web managers to build pages, templates and websites by dragging and dropping elements into place.

The theme was created over several years during which it was conceptualized, built, tested and initially piloted. Although the COVID-19 pandemic slowed the project, this work is now largely complete and we are planning a university-wide rollout of cuTheme.

Communications for our first phase of migrations has begun, and community members will begin to see more information about cuTheme in the Top 5, the ITS website, and other channels.

The bulk of the migrations will begin to take place this fall. Web managers can expect to receive an email that will give them the ability to add their site to the migration pipeline, and more information will be provided about next steps.

This work is happening in coordination with the launch of the new Finance and Administration website and the homepage refresh taking place later this summer.

Thank you to Web Services and others in ITS for their effort in bringing cuTheme to life. The Unix team also deserves special recognition for their work to make cuTheme possible.