Our friend and colleague Melanie Adrian has started an NGO to promote awareness about surgical options for women diagnosed with breast cancer.  Along with our own undergrads in the Department of Law and Legal Studies and friends and colleagues from Carleton University, “Be the Choice” is raising money to produce an educational video aimed at “empowering patients to take an activist stance towards their health, to be active decision makers in their treatment possibilities, and to confidently embody choice.”

Project leMonADE, is raising $24,000 to make a short movie about the surgical options for the treatment of breast cancer. The movie will increase the amount and type of information that is available to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients and inform them about the full range of treatment options that exist. Partnered with Breast Cancer Action (www.bcaott.ca), any donation is tax deductible (in Canada).

You can find out more here:

website: bethechoice.org

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BetheChoicePL

e-mail: Project.Lemonade@hotmail.com
twitter: @Prolemonade

Please consider contributing and forwarding this information to others.