Check out an exciting new project headed by one of our faculty members!

The Ottawa Pro Bono Gladue Report Pilot Project was started by Professor Jane Dickson in January 2024 with the goal of providing Gladue reports for sentencing to Indigenous persons who are before the courts but unable to secure a Gladue report from one of the local funded Gladue services. The pilot will increase access to Gladue reports by providing newly trained Gladue writers with a closely-mentored opportunity to continue their learning by researching and writing pro bono Gladue reports. The Pilot has submitted its first report for a sentencing and secured a very positive result! A request from Kingston to expand the project to Kingston and area is currently under consideration.

A partnership between Jane Dickson and the Sault Ste Marie Indigenous Friendship Center has secured $233,476.00 in funding from the Law Foundation of Ontario to run a three-year pilot project providing rapid access to Gladue Bail Reports to Indigenous persons before the courts in Sault Ste Marie. The project will provide the services of Gladue Writers who will be trained and supported to provide Gladue Bail Reports in under 48 hours. Reports will provide Gladue information and a release plan that will be supported by a Gladue Support Worker. Jane will be involved with training and community outreach and will be responsible for the formative and summative evaluation of the project.