Jeffrey Bradley is a PhD candidate in Legal Studies at Carleton University. His research interests include penal abolition, transformative justice, violence prevention, human rights, and Indigenous justice. His doctoral research focuses on participants’ experiences using transformative justice approaches for sexual violence and how harm can be addressed interpersonally and structurally through grassroots community-based approaches. Jeffrey is a member of the Criminalization and Punishment Education Project and a community volunteer with the Ontario Public Interest Research Group Ottawa.
Dr. Aaron Doyle
Master of Arts, Criminology, University of Ottawa
Honours Bachelor of Social Sciences, Major in Public Administration and Major in Criminology, University of Ottawa
Millhaven Lifers’ Liaison Group. (2020). Advocating for the Human Rights of Prisoners. Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, 29(1-2), 108-109.
Waller, I., Martinez, V., Monette, A., & Bradley, J. (2020). “Using Criminological Evidence to Shift Policy: From a Punishment to a Prevention Agenda”. In Contemporary Criminological Issues: Moving Beyond Insecurity and Exclusion. Ottawa, Ontario: University of Ottawa Press
Bradley, J. & Wilson, E. (2018). “Youth Mentoring: An Overview of Programs and Initiatives in Ottawa. Crime Prevention Ottawa. Online. https://www.crimepreventionottawa.ca/Media/Content/files/Publications/Youth/Youth%20Mentoring%20-%20An%20Overview-updated%20Feb%202019(3).pdf
Bradley, J., & Waller, I. (September 26, 2022). Ottawa needs to invest in proven crime prevention techniques. Ottawa Citizen. https://ottawacitizen.com/opinion/bradley-and-waller-ottawa-needs-to-focus-on-crime-prevention-not-just-react-after-the-fact
Bradley, J. & Waller, I. (April 26, 2022). In Ontario, anti-handgun election promises are aiming at wrong target. Toronto Star. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2022/04/26/in-ontario-anti-handgun-election-promises-are-aiming-at-wrong-target.html
Bradley, J., & Waller, I. (December 6, 2021). City of Ottawa must budget for preventative approach to tackling violence. Ottawa Citizen. https://ottawacitizen.com/opinion/bradley-and-waller-city-of-ottawa-must-budget-for-preventative-approach-to-tackling-violence
Selected Conference Presentations
“Imagining a Canadian Critical Victimology: Lesson from Abolition Feminism and Transformative Justice” co-presented at CIJS Consuming Justice/Critical Perspective Conference, University of Winnipeg, May 11-13, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 2022.
“Prevention not Punishment” presented at Drugs, Violence and Rock and Roll Workshop, University of Ottawa, September 4, Ottawa, Ontario. 2018.
“Resisting the Carceral State through Lifers’ Liaison Groups” presented at Abolitionist Futures: Building Social Justice Not Criminal Justice, International Conference on Penal Abolition, Birkbeck University of London, June 15-18, London, England. 2018.
“Youth Mentoring as a Viable Crime Prevention Strategy” presented at Western Society of Criminology 44th Annual Conference, Feb 9-11, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2017.