Alberto Salazar
Associate Professor
Degrees: | PhD (Osgoode Hall Law School, York University) |
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x. 3269 |
Email: | alberto.salazar@carleton.ca |
Office: | C470 LA (Loeb Building) |
Research Interests
Professor Salazar specializes in corporate law, comparative corporate governance, consumer protection law and policy, international investment law, competition law and policy, and the socio-economics of business law. His recent research examines executive compensation, employees’ participation in corporate governance, food advertising and public health, corporate social responsibility and employees’ interest, and corporate corruption in rich and poor countries.
Prior to joining Carleton University in 2013, he taught at Osgoode Hall Law School and the Business and Society Program of York University and served as MacArthur Fellow at the University of Oxford and CAPORDE fellow at the University of Cambridge. Professor Salazar is a member of the Directory of Experts involved in Academic Consumer Interest Research in Canada (Industry Canada/U of Waterloo). He is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Law and Business Review of the Americas
Professor Salazar is the founder and coordinator of the Carleton Law, Business and Society Group, an academic group devoted to the discussion of business law issues from a critical and an interdisciplinary perspective. He volunteers at some food banks and also collaborates with several legal clinics that provide legal aid to vulnerable groups and promote social justice and business ethics in Canada and Latin America. Professor Salazar loves soccer, walking, music and nature.
2023 Corporate Law and the New Technology (Toronto: Lexis Nexis, Butterworths).
2017 Kean Birch, Mark Peacock, Richard Wellen, Caroline Hossein, Sonya Scott, and Alberto Salazar, Business and Society: A Critical Introduction (London: Zed Books)
2017 Neil Sargent, Alberto Salazar, and Logan Atkinson, Eds., Just Between the Law and Us: Obligations, 2e, Canadian Legal Studies Series (Toronto: Captus Press)
Articles and Book Chapters
2023 “Implementing the New Purpose of the Corporation: The Duty of Directors to Tie Executive Pay to Employees’ Interests” Berkeley Business Law Journal, forthcoming.
2023 “Climate Change and Executive Compensation in Europe” Virginia Journal of International Law online, forthcoming.
2023 “Directors’ Duties and the New Technology” in Alberto Salazar, Corporate Law and the New Technology (Toronto: Lexis Nexis, Butterworths).
2023 “Corporate Governance” in Kean Birch, Richard Wellen, Sonya Scott, & Audrey Laurin- Lamothe, eds., Business and Society: A Critical Introduction, 2nd ed. (London: Zed Books, Bloomsbury), forthcoming.
2023 “Business, Regulation, and Policy” (with Richard Wellen) in Kean Birch, Richard Wellen, Sonya Scott, & Audrey Laurin- Lamothe, eds., Business and Society: A Critical Introduction, 2nd ed. (London: Zed Books, Bloomsbury), forthcoming.
2023 “The Rights of Nature, Corporate Directors’ Duties, and Climate Change” McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law online (with Yenny Vega C.).
2022 “Law and the New Technology” in Laurence Olivo, ed., Introduction to Law in Canada, 3rd ed. (Concord, Ontario: Captus Press Inc.) (with Prof. S. Baglay, UOIT).
2022 “Law and Policy in Theory and Practice” in Laurence Olivo, ed., Introduction to Law in Canada, 3rd ed. (Concord, Ontario: Captus Press Inc.) (with Prof. S. Baglay, UOIT).
2022 “The Emerging Duty of Directors to Tie Executive Pay to Employees’ Interests around the World” Working Paper.
2021 “Unconscionability, Smart Contracts, and Blockchain Technology: Are Consumers really protected against Power Abuses in the Digital Economy” 9 International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice 74.
2021 “The Duty of Directors to Tie Executive Compensation to Environmental Protection” in D. C. Poff & A. C. Michalos, eds., Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics.
2020 “GM Food Labelling and The Dangers of Authoritarian Paternalism” Working Paper.
2019 “Mergers, Acquisitions, Closures and Employees’ Say on Company Restructuring: The Thyssenkrupp-Tata Merger and Profitability Without Massive Job Cuts” 6 (December) European Company Law Journal
2018 “The Duty of Corporate Directors to Tie Executive Compensation to the Long-Term Sustainability of the Firm” 60:2 Canadian Business Law Journal 234 (with Muthana Mohamed)
2017 “Employees’ Say on Pay: Do Works Councils Help Narrow the CEO-Worker Pay Gap in Germany?” 14:4 European Company Law Journal 162 (with Spencer Sikora)
2017 “The Future of Employees’ Say on Pay: Will Works Councils Continue to Shape Wage and Executive Pay Decisions in Germany?” 32 Banking and Finance Law Review 551.
2016 “Why Does Executive Greed Prevail in the United States and Canada but Not In Japan? The Pattern of Low CEO Pay and High Worker Welfare in Japanese Corporations” 64 American Journal of Comparative Law 721 (with John Raggiunti)
2014 “Cuando se puede Denunciar a Abogados de Empresas ante Autoridades Extranjeras por Actos de Corrupcion?” (When Can Corporate Lawyers Be Brought to Foreign Authorities for Acts of Corruption?) in Libro Homenaje a Carlos Montoya Anguerry (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru)
2013 “Defragmenting International Investment Law to Protect Citizen Consumers: The Role of Amici Curiae and Public Interest Groups” 19:2 Law and Business Review of the Americas
2013 “Law and Policy in Theory and Practice” (with Prof. S. Baglay, UOIT) in Laurence Olivo, ed., Introduction to Law in Canada, 2e (Captus Press) .
2012 “Libertarian Paternalism and the Dangers of Nudging Consumers” 23:1 King’s Law Journal 51 (King’s College London law journal)
2011 “Law and Policy in Theory and Practice” (with Prof. S. Baglay, UOIT) in Laurence Olivo, ed., Introduction to Law in Canada (Captus Press)
2010 ‘‘Consumer Counter-Advertising Law and Corporate Social Responsibility” 58 Buffalo Law Review 977
2010 “NAFTA Chapter 11, Regulatory Expropriation and Domestic Counter-Advertising Law” 27 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law 31
2009 “Trading our Freedom: Does NAFTA Chill Counter-advertising Law Aiming at Reducing Obesity and Hunger in Canada?” in Thierry Bourgoignie, ed., L’intégration économique régionale et la protection du consommateur / Regional economic integration and consumer protection / La integración económica regional y la protección del consumidor (Cowansville, Quebec: Yvon Blais) p. 431-452.
2008 “The Social Responsibility of Corporate Lawyers” in Beatriz Boza & Ius Et Veritas, ed., Essays on Ethics and the Professional Responsibility of Lawyers (Lima: PUCP Civil Association Ius Et Veritas & Beatriz Boza) p.341-373. A winner of the essay competition. In Spanish.
2007 “Alternative Consumer Redress Mechanisms in Canada” (with Prof. Iain Ramsay, Kent University Law School, formerly at Osgoode Hall Law School) National Report for a large EU study entitled “An Analysis and Evaluation of Alternative Means of Consumer Redress other than Individual Redress through Ordinary Judicial Proceedings” (Final Report). A Study for the European Commission, Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General Directorate B – Consumer Affairs, coordinated by The Study Centre for Consumer Law – Centre for European Economic Law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Leuven, January 17, 2007, http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/redress/reports_studies/comparative_report_ en.pdf
2006 “Clinical Legal Education and Institutional Change’’ In Ivan Ortiz, ed., Proyección Social a través del Derecho y de PROSODE: 15 años Proyectando el Derecho a la Comunidad (Lima: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru). In Spanish.
2005 “The Other Invisible Hand of Markets: The Market Power of Social Networks, Seller and Buyer Power and Competition Law” 43 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 505.
2005 Review of Paul Milgron’s Putting Auction Theory to Work 20 Banking & Finance Law Review 489.
2004 “The Complex Context of Contract Law” 42 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 515
2002 “The Right to Food and Consumer Law in Developing Countries” (Oxford: University of Oxford, QEH, Refugee Studies Centre’s Digital Library, 2002, originally written in 1998)