In a world grappling with unprecedented challenges, the Lancet Commission on peaceful societies through health equity and gender equality unveils it’s findings on Thursday, September 7, 2023. This independent and interdisciplinary initiative, consisting of 24 Commissioners and numerous collaborators, was brought together by the esteemed medical journal, The Lancet.  The lead author of this report is NPSIA’s Val Percival.

The Commission’s mission is clear: to delve deep into the interconnectedness of Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3) on health, SDG5 on gender equality, and SDG16 on peace, justice, and strong institutions. As we find ourselves at the midpoint of Agenda 2030, it’s evident that the world is falling short of achieving most of the Sustainable Development Goals on schedule. The actions between these Goals often appear disjointed, and we are lagging behind in making the necessary progress on SDGs 3, 5, and 16.

While commendable initiatives like the WHO’s Global Health and Peace Initiative (GHPI) and the UN’s New Agenda for Peace exist, there remains a tremendous opportunity for global peacekeeping efforts to embrace a fully interdisciplinary approach in their agendas.

Amidst these turbulent times, the Lancet Commission’s report emerges as a critical catalyst for nations to redouble their efforts in meeting SDGs 3, 5, and 16. The Lancet Commission’s work reminds us that building peaceful societies is not a mere aspiration but an urgent imperative. Through the lens of health equity and gender equality, we glimpse a brighter future where the pursuit of peace is grounded in the well-being of all.