Pursuant to Article 16 of the CUPE 4600 Unit 2 Collective Agreement, applications are invited from members of the CUPE 4600-2 bargaining unit and other interested persons to teach the following Philosophy course during the Winter 2018 term:

PHIL 2540 [0.5 credit]: Personal Identity and the Self

Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:30

Note that this schedule is firm.

Our judgments of moral and legal responsibility, and our views on how we relate to each other, often assume that there are individual selves and persons who continue to exist over time. This course draws those common assumptions into reflective focus. Among the topics to be explored are the nature of the self and personhood, how these relate to consciousness, and what (if anything) makes an earlier person identical to a later person, despite all the physical and psychological changes that person has experienced. Related topics that may be explored include the importance of memory, introspection, and self-knowledge for personhood, the relationship between mental illness and the self, and whether one can continue to exist as oneself after bodily death. Philosophical and psychological readings on these topics will be examined, with an emphasis on understanding, evaluating, and applying their arguments.

Application Procedures and Deadlines:

Required Professional Qualifications: MA Degree in the appropriate field.

Closing Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017, 8:30 am.

All applicants must apply to the Department Head in writing:

Professor David Matheson
Chair, Department of Philosophy
Carleton University
1125 Colonel by Drive, 3A48 Paterson Hall
Ottawa, ON. K1S 5B6

As per Article 15.3 of the current CUPE 4600 Unit 2 Collective Agreement, applicants are required to submit an up to date CV, including a complete listing of all courses taught within the CUPE 4600 Unit 2 bargaining unit at Carleton University. Candidates who have already contacted the department and submitted a CV recently need only indicate their interest in particular courses. NOTE that when applying to classes for which they have incumbency, applicants shall not be required to (re)submit documentation beyond their updated CV.

Pre-Posting Hiring Decisions:

The following courses have been assigned to graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, or visiting scholars. These courses are not open for applications but the department will contact the most senior incumbent to review their rights under Article 17.6 of the CUPE 4600-2 Collective Agreement:

  • N/A for the 2017/18 academic year