The M.A. degree offered by Carleton University’s Philosophy Department is a five-credit program, normally requiring four terms of study. Either three or four of these credits are gained through course work, depending on whether a student chooses to do a thesis (two credits) or a research essay (one credit). Students take two required courses, the proseminar and the research seminar, and the remaining credits are earned by a combination of seminars and tutorials.

We will be accepting applications for fall 2023 to our M.A. program until February 1, 2023. If you have any questions about applying to our program, please reach out to:

Want to learn more about our program and the application process? Check out our two latest videos for a conversation with Claire French, current M.A. student, and Ian MacLean-Evans, recent graduate.

Information About our Philosophy M.A. Program

Tips on Applying to our M.A. in Philosophy