Contract Instructor Opportunities
Summer 2025
Department of Philosophy, Carleton University

Note:  The modality of these courses is determined by the University (in-person, online, or hybrid).

Pursuant to Article 16 of the CUPE 4600 Unit 2 Collective Agreement, applications are invited from members of the CUPE 4600-2 bargaining unit and other interested persons to teach the following Philosophy courses during the Summer 2025 Term:

PHIL 2001 [0.5 credit]: Introduction to Logic
Scheduled in the Late Summer session (July/August), Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Designated Modality: Online
Anticipated TA support: Yes
Anticipated Enrollment: 210
*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrollment and may change based on actual enrollment in a course

An introduction to the techniques and philosophical implications of formal logic with emphasis on translation of expressions into symbolic form, testing for logical correctness, the formulation and application of rules of inference, and the relation between logic and language. Open to first-year students.

PHIL 2330 [0.5 credit]: Happiness, Well-Being, and the Good Life
Scheduled in the Late Summer session (July/August)
Designated Modality: Online
Anticipated TA support: Yes
Anticipated Enrollment: 100
*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrollment and may change based on actual enrollment in a course

A philosophical exploration of what makes a good human life. Topics may include the role of happiness, well-being, and flourishing in a good life, the relations between these aspects, and the extent to which they depend on luck and social considerations.

PHIL 2340 [0.5 credit]:  Philosophy and Popular Culture
Scheduled in the Late Summer session (July/August)
Designated Modality: Online
Anticipated TA support: Yes
Anticipated Enrollment: 100
*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrollment and may change based on actual enrollment in a course

Philosophy is all around us, it permeates culture. This course explores philosophical questions through the lens of popular culture. The material used may include films, shows, music, novels, video games, advertising, comic books, and so on.

PHIL 2380 [0.5 credit]:  Introduction to Environmental Ethics
Scheduled in the Early Summer session (May/June)
Designated Modality: Online
Anticipated TA support: Yes
Anticipated Enrollment: 100
*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrollment and may change based on actual enrollment in a course

Major questions in environmental ethics: How should human beings view their relationship to the rest of nature? Is responsible stewardship of the environment compatible with current technology? Must future generations be protected? Do animals, other life forms, endangered species, ecosystems and/or the biosphere have value/rights?

Application Procedures and Deadlines

Required Professional Qualifications:  MA Degree in the appropriate field. 

Closing Date and Time: Friday, January 3rd, 2025, 11:59 pm.

All applicants must apply electronically to the Department Head, at the following link:

Professor Melissa Frankel
Chair, Department of Philosophy

As per Article 15.3 of the current CUPE 4600 Unit 2 Collective Agreement, applicants are required to submit an up to date CV, including a complete listing of all courses taught within the CUPE 4600 Unit 2 bargaining unit at Carleton University. Candidates who have already contacted the department and submitted a CV recently need only indicate their interest in particular courses. NOTE that when applying to classes for which they have incumbency, applicants shall not be required to (re)submit documentation beyond their updated CV.

Pre-Posting Hiring Decisions:

The following courses have been assigned to graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, or visiting scholars. These courses are not open for applications, but the department will contact the most senior incumbent to review their rights under Article 17.6 of the CUPE 4600-2 Collective Agreement:

  • PHIL 1550: Introduction to Ethics & Social Issues

A note to all applicants: As per Articles 16.3 and 16.4 in the CUPE 4600-2 Collective Agreement, the posted vacancies listed above are first offered to applicants meeting the incumbency criterion. A link to the current CUPE 4600-2 Collective Agreement can be found at the Academic Staff Agreements webpage on the Carleton University Human Resources website and the CUPE 4600-2 website