On behalf of the Carleton University Philosophy Department, EPAF Program, and the University of Ottawa Philosophy Department, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who attended our World Philosophy Day event. Your participation made this gathering a truly enriching experience.

We are particularly grateful to our distinguished speakers for their thought-provoking and inspiring presentations:

  • Shireen Hassim, Canada150 Research Chair in Gender and African Politics at Carleton University, whose talk, “Intersectionality: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once?” shed new light on the complexities of intersectional theory in contemporary discourse.
  • Eric Hutton, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Utah and Visiting Professor in Chinese Thought and Culture at the University of Toronto, whose presentation, “Keeping Warm the Old and Knowing the New: Chinese Philosophy,” offered a compelling exploration of the modern relevance of Chinese philosophy, especially Confucianism and the virtue of “Li.”
  • Roopen Majithia, Hart Almerrin Massey Chair in Philosophy at Mount Allison University, whose talk, “The Doing of Comparative Philosophy,” provided valuable insights on virtue ethics in Aristotle and the Bhagavad Gita.

A special thank you to all who made this event possible, including our organizing teams, volunteers, and attendees. We look forward to continuing to explore and share philosophical ideas with you in the future. Thank you once again for your participation, and we hope to see you at next year’s World Philosophy Day event!