Photo of Alex Markadonis

Alex Markadonis

MA Student

Degrees:BA (Carleton University)

Research Topic

Comparative Critical Appraisal of Humean and Kantian Ethics of Suicide


Gordon Davis

Research Interests

  • Metaethics
  • Normative Ethics
  • Applied Ethics
  • Bioethics
  • Neuroethics
  • Political/Economic Philosophy
  • Communist Theory (Marx et al., Lenin et al., and present day theorists)
  • Decolonial, Intersectional, and Anti-Imperialist Theories
  • Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism
  • Philosophy of Religion


Alex completed a Bachelor of Arts Honours (with High Distinction) in Philosophy, with a Minor in Psychology at Carleton University. He is most interested in ethics, and has a mind to elevate for critical appraisal the prevailing liberal-capitalist ideological factors that distort (meta)ethical discourse and confound the realization of optimal situations, conceptions, actions, and outcomes. Presently, he is working on a Master of Arts thesis that will critically appraise Humean and Kantian approaches to the topic of suicide in the Capitalocene Epoch. Alex intends to become a philosophy instructor at a college and a privately practicing philosophical counsellor in the short-term. He entertains pursuing a Philosophy Doctorate in the somewhat distant future.