Eros Corazza
Philosophy of language, mind and cognitive science; Linguistics and the semantics/pragmatics interface
Degrees: | Doctorat ès lettres (Geneva), M.A. (Indiana), Licence ès lettres (Geneva) |
Email: | eros_corazza@carleton.ca |
Office: | 3A45 Paterson Hall |
On Leave
Eros Corazza was educated at the University of Geneva and Indiana University. After a 3 year post-doc at Stanford he joined the Philosophy Department at the University of Nottingham in 1996. In 2005 he joined Carleton University Philosophy and Cognitive Science Departments. His main interests turn around the philosophy of language/mind, philosophy of linguistics and cognitive sciences. He recently published Reflecting the Mind: Indexicality and Quasi-Indexicality, Oxford University Press (2004) and various papers in philosophy of language and mind.
Research Interests
- Philosophy of Mind (mindreading, simulation theory)
- Linguistics (anaphoric resolution. minimalism/contextualism)
- Philosophy of Language (reference, pragmatic/semantics)
- Philosophy of Cognitive Science (evolutionary psychology, psychological development, language acquisition)
Recent Publications
A. Books
2004, Reflecting the Mind : Indexicality and Quasi-Indexicality , Oxford University Press, (xiv + 368p.)
1995, Référence, Contexte, et Attitudes , Ed. Vrin/Bellarmin, Paris-Montréal, (xvi+219p.)
1994, (with Jérôme Dokic), Penser en Contexte: Le Phénomène de l’Indexicalité. Suivie de Perry, J., “Frege et les Démonstratifs et Evans, G. “Comprendre les Démonstratifs” , Editions de l’Eclat, Paris, (143p.)
B. Papers
(with J. Dokic), “Sense and Insensitivity: or where Minimalism meets Contextualism”, in G. Preyer & G. Peter (eds.) 2006. Context-Sensitivity and Semantic Minimalism: Essays in Semantics and Pragmatics . Oxford University Press, Oxford
(with K. Korta). “Two Dogmas of Philosophical Linguistics”. In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.). Philosophy of Language and Linguistics.
(with J. Dokic). “Situated Minimalism vs. Free Enrichment”. Synthese
“Fiction without Ficta”. Dialectica 63 (1): 67-74
Contextual Exploitations, Pluri-Propositionalism, and Subsentential Assertions”. In Proceedings of the ILCLI International Workshop on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Rhetoric. Donostia-San Sebastian: The University of the Basque Country Press (EHU Press):
“Singular Propositions, Quasi-Singular Propositions, and Reports”. In K. Korta & J. Garmendia (eds.). Semantics, Pragmatics, and Rhetoric. Stanford: CSLI Publications: 13-28
(with J. Dokic). “Sense and Insensitivity: or where Minimalism meets Contextualism”. In G. Preyer & G. Peter (eds.) 2007. Context-Sensitivity and Semantic Minimalism: Essays in Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 169-93
“Contextualism, Minimalism, and Situationalism”. Pragmatics & Cognition 15 (1): 115-37
“Thinking the Unthinkable : An Excursion into Z-land”. In M. O’Rourke & C. Washington (eds.). Situating Semantics: Essays on the Philosophy of John Perry. Cambridge: MIT Publications: 427-50
“Referring and Describing: Rehearsing the Referential Attributive Distinction”, Research in Language , Vol. 4, pp. 31-55
“On Epithets qua Attributive Anaphors”, Journal of Linguistics , Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 1-34
“Indexicality”, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd Edition , Elsevier, Oxford
“Deconstructing Fictional Discourse”, Review of Contemporary Philosophy , Vol. 4, No. 1-2, pp.49-74
“Essential Indexicals and Quasi-Indicators”, Journal of Semantics , Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 341-74
“Kinds of Context: A Wittgensteinian Approach to Proper Names and Indexicals”, Philosophical Investigations , Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 158-88
“On the Alleged Ambiguity of ‘Now’ and ‘Here'”, Synthese , Vol. 138, No 2, pp. 289-313
1995: Prix Adolphe Neumann (University of Geneva) for the book Référence, Contexte et Attitudes
1995: Prix Amiel (University of Geneva) for the book Référence, Contexte et Attitudes
1992: Prix William Rivier (University of Lausanne), for my work on reference within the philosophy of language
1987: Prix Humbert, for my “mémoire de licence”: Images, Référence et Essence. La théorie picturale du langage et le problème de la référence dans la philosophie de L. Wittgenstein .
2008-9: Ikerbasque (Basque Foundation of Science fellowship: 36,700.- EU + 8,000.- EU as research start up found)
2006-9: SSHRC (Social Sciences Humanities Research of Canada: $ 44,747.-)
2002: AHRB (Arts and Humanities Research Board) Research Leave Scheme. Autumn Semester 2002-2003
2001: A two months fellowship for “accueil en France de chercheurs étrangers de haut niveau et de renommée internationale.” From “Ministère français de la Recherche ” (No. 303553L)
1993-1995: Fellowship for “chercheur avancé” of the Swiss National Foundation of Scientific Research: Stanford University, Dept. of Philosophy and CSLI; UCLA, UC Riverside, University of Florida Gainesville, USA
1992-1993: Fellowship of the Swiss National Foundation of Scientific Research: Stanford University, Dept. of Philosophy and CSLI, USA
1987-1988: Fulbright Grant: Dept. of Philosophy, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA
1986-1987: Fellowship of the “Ministero italiano della cultura”: University of Milan, Italy
Recent Graduate Supervisions
MA by Research:
- Albert Atkin (1998)
- Jonathan Gorvett (2000)
- Timothy Woodthorpe (2001)
- Gary Shipley (2001)
- Jonathan Gorvett (2004)
- Mark Whitsey (2005)
- Zehn Zhang (expected 2006)
- Robert Thomson (expected 2008)