Geraldine Finn
Professor Emeritus
Degrees: | B.A. (Keele, UK), M.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Ottawa) |
Email: | geraldine_finn@carleton.ca |
Office Hours:
Email for appointment.
Geraldine Finn has a B.A. in English and Philosophy from Keele University (England,1969), an M.A. in Philosophy from McMaster University (Canada, 1971), and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Ottawa (Canada, 1981). She is Professor of Cultural Studies and Philosophy in the School for Studies in Art and Culture, and the Department of Philosophy at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Her area of expertise is twentieth century Continental Philosophy and its relevance to contemporary interdisciplinary studies in culture and the arts. She has published widely on a variety of issues at the intersection of philosophy, feminism, music(ology) and cultural studies and is currently working on two book-length studies: There is No Ethics in the Language of Genes , and The Truth in Music .
Research Interests
- Jacques Derrida
- Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Deconstruction
- Relation between Politics, Ethics and Aesthetics
- Writing Mousike Philosophy i.e. Philosophy for/by the Ear
- Music as a resource for Philosophy
Recent Publications
Why Althusser Killed His Wife. Essays on Discourse and Violence (New Jersey: Humanities, 1996.
Who Is This ‘We’? Absence of Community . ( Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1994) co-edited with Eleanor Godway.
Limited Edition. Voices of Women, Voices of Feminism . (Halifax: Fernwood Books, 1993), editor.
Feminism – From Pressure to Politics . (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1989) co-edited with Angela Miles. Second expanded edition of Feminism in Canada – From Pressure to Politics (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1982).
‘One Time Alone – Improvisation Takes Place’ (Winter, 2006) at the Land2 web-site, www.land2.uwe.ac.uk/symfinn.htm.
‘The Truth in Music: The Sound of Différance’ in Muzikiloski Zbornic/ Musicological Annual 42/2, 2005, pp. 118 – 146.
‘The Politics of Spirituality: The Spirituality of Politics’ in Feminist Theology . Journal of the Britain and Ireland School of Feminist Theology (Spring 2003), pp. 318 – 330.
‘To Speculate – On Music and/as the Sound of Différance ‘, in Tijdschrif voor Muziektheorie / Journal of Music Theory , Jaargang 7, nummer 3 (November 2002), pp. 189 – 195.
‘ Intermezzo . Creativity and Ethics – In Deconstruction – In Music’ (with Marcel Cobussen) in Echo. A Music-Centred Journal , vol.4, issue 2 (Fall 2002) np.
‘Music, Identity and the Play of Différance . The Case of Charles Ives’, in New Sound , 18, 2001 pp. 49 – 92.
‘What Environment? Whose Canada? Which Women?’ in International Studies in Philosophy , XXX/4 (2001), pp.29 – 44.
‘There is No Future in the Language of Genes. No Ethics, Just More of the Same’, in Arachne. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language and Literature , 6.1 1999, pp.1-18.
‘Bodies that Sing: Mutilation, Morality, and Music. The Case of Farinelli ‘ , International Studies in Philosophy , XXXI,1, 1999, pp.69 – 82.