Photo of Vida Panitch

Vida Panitch

Associate Professor - Political Philosophy - Philosophy and Economics - Bioethics

Degrees:B.A. (McGill), M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Toronto)
Office:3A55 Paterson Hall

Associate Professor

Office Hours:

Email for appointment.


Vida Panitch is an Associate Professor of Philosophy and the Director of the Ethics and Public Affairs programs at Carleton University. She received her PhD in Philosophy from the University of Toronto in 2008.

Research Interests:

Her primary research project addresses the moral boundaries of markets – specifically markets in public goods, including health care and education, and physical goods, including body parts and intimate services –  and the extent to which theories of exploitation, commodification, and inequality can help us determine their permissible regulation. She has published various papers in a number of academic journals and edited volumes in which she contests philosophical arguments that seek to defend both the moral noxiousness and legal impermissibility of body markets. Her edited volume, Exploitation: from Theory to Practice, explores the inadequacies of theoretical accounts of exploitation in accounting for real world instances thereof, including global commercial surrogacy and paid kidney donations. Her paper in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, entitled “Liberalism, Commodification, and Justice,” offers a political liberal account of the legitimate boundaries of markets in bodies, as well as in public and civic goods. She is currently co-editing The Routledge Handbook of Commodification (forthcoming 2022). Her secondary research project explores the philosophical justifications for, and the actual distributive merits of a basic income scheme, and considers whether a basic income could in effect live up to the potential that various political philosophers, economists, and social activists have imagined for it.


The Routledge Handbook of Commodification, Vida Panitch and Elodie Bertrand eds., (forthcoming: Routledge UK, 2022)

Exploitation: From Practice to Theory, eds Monique Deveaux and Vida Panitch (Rowman&Littlefield, February 2017)

Select Publications:

Panitch, Vida. Exploitation, in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Christopher Melenovsky, ed. (London: Routledge): 217-226 (2022).

Panitch, Vida. Liberalism, Commodification, and Justice, Politics, Philosophy, and Economics 19(1) 2020: 62-82.

Panitch, Vida. Basic Income and Intimate Labor, The Future of Work, Technology, and Basic Income, Michael Cholbi and Michael Weber eds. (New York: Routledge): 157-174.

Panitch, Vida, and L. Chad Horne, “Commodification, Inequality, and Kidney Markets,” Social Theory and Practice 44(1) 2018: 121-143.

Panitch, Vida, “Exploitation and Intimate Labour, in Exploitation: From Practice to Theory, Monique Deveaux and Vida Panitch eds. (London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017): 119-137.

Panitch, Vida, and L. Chad Horne, “Vulnerability, Health Care, and Need,”  in Vulnerability, Autonomy, and Applied Ethics, Christine Straehle ed. (London: Routledge, 2017): 101-120.

Panitch, Vida and Straehle, Christine, “Symposium on Reproductive Markets”, Journal of Applied Philosophy, guest eds. Vol 33, no 2 (May 2016)

Panitch, Vida, “Assisted Reproduction and Distributive Justice,” Bioethics 28(3) doi: 10.1111/bioe.12067

Panitch, Vida, “Global Surrogacy: Exploitation to Empowerment,” Journal of Global Ethics 9(3), November 2013: 329-343

Panitch, Vida, “Exploitation, Justice, and Parity in International Clinical Research,” Journal of Applied Philosophy 30(4), November 2013: 304-318 

Panitch Vida, “Surrogate Tourism and Reproductive Rights,” Hypatia 28(2), April 2013

Panitch, Vida, and Heath, Joseph, “Why Cash Violates Neutrality,” Basic Income Studies v.5 n.1 (April 2010)

Panitch, Vida, “Basic Income, Decommodification, and the Welfare State,”  Philosophy and Social Criticism vol 37 no 8 (Oct 2011)

Panitch, Vida, “Exploitation and Developing Countries: Ethics of Clinical Research” eds. Jennifer Hawkins and Ezekiel Emanuel, Philosophy in Review, v.29 n.5 (2009)


“Time to Decriminalize Payment for Sperm, Ova and Surrgogacy,” Ottawa Citizen May 11, 2018

CBC Radio’s The Edition w. Michael Enright, panelist on Blood Plasma Payment debate, aired Sunday February 25

Open Letter: “Ethicists and Economists express concerns about banning compensation for plasma donors” Jan. 16, 2018

Having Our Baby: The Surrogacy Boom, interviewee, CBC Documentary Channel, premiered Feb. 28.

“Provincial Funding of IVF Should Be Restricted on Basis of Income,” Impact Ethics Blog, Nov. 14, 2014