Welcome back! A new term presents an opportunity to start afresh with renewed energy, motivation and momentum. We have put together a few tips for you to start your term off on the right foot. 

Request Accommodations for Your Courses in the Ventus Student Portal Early in the Term

  • Make sure to review the course evaluation requirements and delivery methods in your course syllabuses before selecting the appropriate accommodations for each course.
  • Professors are already submitting Notices of Examination (NoEs) to the McIntyre Exam Centre for quizzes, tests and midterms that are taking place this term. Don’t miss out on receiving accommodations for a test because you waited until it is too late.

Set Up Learning Strategy (LS) and Assistive Technology (AT) Support

The PMC offers an array of LS and AT supports to foster learning skills building and academic resilience, including:

  • Brightspace LS Modules on time management & organization, note-taking, studying and test-taking, and self-care. You can self-enroll in these modules by logging into Brightspace using your MC1 credentials.
  • Individualized LS/AT support with a learning facilitator or assistive technologist;
  • LS groups facilitated by a senior learning strategist and an intern and delivered synchronously in January to February. In a small group of 10, students will learn about time management & procrastination, studying and test-taking (including exam anxiety), note-taking, writing and assignment planning in university and apply these skills and strategies to their coursework.
  • Please contact your PMC coordinator for a referral if you require individualized LS support or want to know how to join the LS Groups.

Introduce Yourself to your Professors

  • Stop by your professor’s scheduled office hours to introduce yourself or introduce yourself via email.
  • After you have requested accommodations on Ventus, follow-up with your professors to discuss how your accommodations will be arranged.

Join a Virtual Support, Study and/or Social Group

The PMC will be offering three of our popular groups – ADHD Group, Graduate Student Writing Group, and the Anxiety Group Series – during the winter term.

Take advantage of Carleton’s academic and learning support services