James Milner has been awarded €145,800 from the Gerda Henkel Foundation to support a comparative study on the politics and process of refugee leadership in the global South, with a specific focus on Latin America and East Africa.

This research is a collaboration between R-SEAT (Refugees Seeking Equal Access at the Table) and LERRN (the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network), with the active cooperation of the RLRH (Refugee-led Research Hub) in East Africa and CAPRS (the Centre for Asia Pacific Refugee Studies) in the Asia Pacific region. The project builds on LERRN’s recent work with its partners on the impact of refugee-led organizations in East Africa and the Middle East, and seeks to inform research, policy and practice on the conditions that enable or constrain refugees from demonstrating leadership in navigating local, national and regional power structures to influence the development and implementation of policy and programmes intended to affect the daily lives of refugees. This 18-month project will emphasize the active and equal participation of researchers with lived experience of displacement in developing the research methodology, conducting research, producing knowledge, and mobilizing knowledge to influence research, policy and practice.