photo fo Jill ClarkDuring the winter term,  Jill Clark from Ohio State University will be in residence in the Department of Political Science as the Fulbright Canada Research Chair in North American Politics. Jill is an Associate Professor at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at Ohio State University. She studies food system policy, governance, and public engagement. Her current funded research focuses on food democracy, governance of local and regional food systems, community-based food systems dynamics modeling, and inclusive and equitable public participation environments.

For her Fulbright, she examines food policy councils (FPCs) as multi-sector governance structures. With the Canadian government establishing its first-ever national food policy and the US starting debates on the omnibus Farm Bill, this is a key moment to ask, what is the role for local, state, and provincial FPCs in national food policy? Jill will study the 238 US and 42 Canadian FPCs, including the new Canadian Food Policy Advisory Council.

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