Political Science Workshop: The Grand Split? How The World is Dividing
Panel 1: What is new in our perceptions of world politics?

Isaac Odoom
China-Africa Relations in a Changing Landscape of Global Governance

As the global system undergoes reconfiguration, marked by challenges to Western hegemony and the rise of alternative power centers, China’s engagement with Africa emerges as a pivotal element potentially shaping the future of global politics. This paper explores the dynamic interplay between Africa and China amidst shifts in global power dynamics, examining the implications for both regional and global governance. By examining the complexities of economic cooperation, geopolitical influence, and socio-cultural exchanges, the paper explores the evolving nature of Africa-China relations and their impact on the broader international order. Through a critical analysis of historical legacies, contemporary challenges, and prospects, the paper contributes to a nuanced understanding of the role of China-Africa relations in shaping the emerging world order.