Danica Dahlin

photo of Danica Dahlin

Policy Specialist with Strategies North Advisory Inc.

MA in Political Science, 2022

Since graduating with an MA in Political Science from Carleton, I moved back to BC (the mountains were calling) and began my career in consulting, where I worked in evaluation and research, primarily working with various levels of public sector clients on public policy and program-related projects. Recently, I transitioned into a new role as a Policy Specialist, primarily working with First Nations governments and their development corporations.

More importantly, since graduating, I have had the opportunity to travel, pursue curiosities, read for leisure and for learning, and feel happy in my day to day.

Credentials undeniably help career advancement in professional services, but pursuing an MA at Carleton also emphasized the importance of building connections and sitting in circles you never have before, which has been an invaluable lesson.