Justin Ferguson

Justin Ferguson
Vice President, Indigena Capital
Partner, Aruna Resort and Villas, Belize

BA, Political Science with Honours, concentration in International Relations, 2007

Starting before I graduated, my degree in Political Science and the connections I made at Carleton helped me find work in federal politics.  From there I was able to work at top levels of government and be directly involved in the inner workings of the Canadian federal system.

This early opportunity in my career allowed me to make some great friends and develop a skillset that I was able to utilize at different levels of the governmental system in different regions of the country.

As I advanced my career, I was able to expand my knowledge to take on more leadership roles and move beyond the governmental system into different roles and ultimately to the two roles I currently have, Vice President in an international financial firm and partner of an international resort and real estate development in the Caribbean.

Before I started my Political Science degree at Carleton, I remember being asked, why Political Science and why Carleton.  My answer at the time was: Political Science will enable me to learn the skills I need to either work in government, pursue a legal career, set me up to work internationally, and/or provide me with the knowledge that I could parlay into business.  As for why Carleton: my answer was simple: If I am going to study Political Science of course I want to do it in the Nation’s Capital.  So far, the answers to the first question seem to ring true.

It allowed me to gain the knowledge that I have subconsciously drawn on throughout my life. It gave me the training I have been able to utilize in real-life situations. It allowed me to make connections that launched my career.