Lucas Jerusalimiec

Lucas Jerusalimiec
Research Officer

MA in Political Science (2018)

After graduating I enrolled in the PhD program at McGill University’s Department of Political Science and began working as a student researcher in Federal civil service. I have subsequently secured appointment to an indeterminate position in a similar role. In my academic career I have begun pursuing research on the development of the early French state with emphases on the history of legal theory and tax administration. I was also afforded the chance to design the online component of a course that was delivered remotely due the ongoing Covid-19 health emergency.

In my civil service career I have had the opportunity to maintain communications for a team engaged in quality assurance, monitor access to proprietary data products, provide on-demand research support, and participate in working groups. My current position has given me access to many avenues for pursuing additional training in data management and querying technique, training that will help qualify me for a variety of business intelligence positions. Working in the civil service while investigating the theory of state development has prompted me to think about how and why civil servants develop collective identities and about the links between academia and the organizational culture of government.

Being enrolled in a political science program was a perfect (if unusual) springboard for jumping into a position in business intelligence research. Writing long term papers in every course can be exhausting, but it develops skills that are just as sought after as technical abilities or subject matter expertise!