Scott Streiner

photo of Scott Streiner

Senior Advisor, Deloitte;
Mediator & Arbitrator, ADR Chambers;
First Vice Chair, Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals.

PhD in Political Science, 2002

Scott Streiner pursued his PhD on a mostly part-time basis during his first decade as a federal public servant and received his degree in 2002. Over the course of his Government of Canada career, he worked in eight organizations: the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, the Labour Program/Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, the Aerospace Review/Industry Canada, Transport Canada, the Privy Council Office, and the Canadian Transportation Agency. He spent the last 14 of his 31 years with government at the Deputy and Assistant Deputy Minister levels, and interacted regularly with Ministers, political staff, provincial and foreign governments, multilateral institutions, and a broad range of stakeholders.

Today, Scott works as a Senior Advisor with Deloitte — with a focus on public sector renewal, regulatory reform, access to justice, and transportation — and as a mediator and arbitrator with ADR Chambers — with a focus on commercial and labour disputes. He is also First Vice Chair of the Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals, and has been an Adjunct Professor with Carleton’s Department of Political Science since 2009.

Scott has taught and published articles and book chapters on human rights; Middle Eastern politics and history, with a particular emphasis on Israel and the Israeli-Arab conflict; and strategies to narrow socio-economic disparities under conditions of globalization.

“My doctoral studies in Political Science contributed to my intellectual and professional lives in a number of ways. First, they helped to sharpen my research, writing, and analytical skills. Second, they provided a deeper understanding of global and political context within which public policy is developed and delivered. Third, they allowed me to refine my own thinking on a range of topics. Finally, the resulting PhD facilitated a variety of opportunities for teaching and publishing. Time well-spent!”

more on Scott’s career & publications