Associate Professor
Professor Brown is Associate Professor of Political Science in the field of comparative politics, with a specialization in the politics of Africa. He has worked in Botswana and in Ghana as a development planner and as a local government policy advisor. He is working on a book on the institutionalization of liberal democracy in Botswana, which is funded by a research grant from the SSHRC.
Selected Publications
C. Brown (2020) Botswana Votes 2019: Two-Party Competition and the Khama Factor, Journal of Southern African Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03057070.2020.1778901
C. Brown, “Canadian Nation Building in Africa: Building Whose Nation?” in Rohinton Medhora and Yiagadeesen Samy (eds.), Canada Among Nations 2013: Canada-Africa Relations – Looking Back, Looking Ahead, (Waterloo: The Centre for International Governance Innovation), 2013, 79-89.
Chris Brown and Edward T. Jackson, “Could the Senate Be Right? Should CIDA Be Abolished?” in Allan M. Maslove (ed.), How Ottawa Spends 2009-10, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009, Ch. 6, pp. 151-174.
C. Brown, “Africa in Canadian Foreign Policy 2000: The Human Security Agenda” in Fen Osler Hampson, Norman Hillmer and Maureen Appel Molot (eds.), Canada Among Nations, 2001: The Axworthy Legacy, (Don Mills: Oxford University Press), 2001, 192-212.
C. Brown, “Southern Africa in the Post-apartheid Era: The Freeing of Domestic Politics,” International Journal, 46(2), Spring 1991, 267-290.
C. Brown, “Regional Conflict in Southern Africa and the Role of Third Party Mediation,” International Journal, 45(2), Spring 1990, 334-359.
C. Brown, “Canada and Southern Africa, 1989” in Fen Osler Hampson and M.A. Molot eds.), Canada Among Nations, 1989: The Challenge of Change, (Ottawa: Carleton University Press), 1990, 207-224.