Stephen White
Public opinion; political participation; immigrant political attitudes and behaviour; Canadian politics
Degrees: | BA (Memorial), MA (Wilfrid Laurier), PhD (Toronto) |
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 2568 |
Email: | stephenwhite@cunet.carleton.ca |
Office: | B657 Loeb |
Associate Professor
Stephen White is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University. His research focuses on Canadian and comparative public opinion and political behaviour, and immigrant political incorporation. He is a co-editor of Comparing Canada: Methods and Perspectives on Canadian Politics and has contributed articles and chapters on immigrant political engagement and public attitudes towards immigration and diversity.
Stephen White joined Carleton in 2015. He previously taught at the University of Ottawa and the University of Regina. Prior to his doctoral studies, he was a senior researcher at the Public Policy Research Centre, Memorial University.
Selected Publications
White, S.E., A. Bilodeau, L. Turgeon, and A. Henderson. 2023. “Residential Concentration and Political Engagement among Racialized Canadians: The Moderating Role of Intragroup Contact.” Political Geography 107, 102971.
White, S.E. 2023. “Immigrant Voter Turnout and Time: Does Period of Arrival Matter More than Length of Stay?” International Migration 61(6): 118-132.
White, S., & C. Alcantara. 2018. “Do Constraints Limit Opportunism? Incumbent Electoral Performance Before and After (Partially) Fixed-Term Laws” Political Behavior 41(3): 657-675.
White, S. 2017. “Canadian Immigrants at the Polls: The Effects of Socialization in the Country of Origin and Resocialization in Canada on Electoral Participation.” Political Science 69 (2): 101-121.
White, S., A. Bilodeau, & N. Nevitte. 2015. “Earning their Support: Feelings toward Canada among Recent Immigrants.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(2): 292-308.
Turgeon, L., M. Papillon, J. Wallner, & S. White (Editors). 2014. Comparing Canada: Methods and Perspectives on Canadian Politics. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
White, S., N. Nevitte, A. Blais, E. Gidengil, & P. Fournier. 2008. “The Political Resocialization of Immigrants: Resistance or Life-Long Learning?” Political Research Quarterly 61(2): 268-281.