1. Exam Deferrals
  2. How to Defer an Exam
  3. Dates and Deadlines
    1. Deadline to Apply for a Deferral
    2. When Deferred Final Exams Are Written
    3. Deadline for Deferred Take-Home Exams
  4. Important Links
  5. FAQ

Exam Deferrals

Students who encounter circumstances beyond their control may defer their final examination or take-home examination to write it at a later date.

Examinations that can be deferred:

  • Final Examinations: this is the last exam that you have to complete for your course. It is usually scheduled to be completed in a 3 hour block of time. The date and time is normally published in the formal exam schedule.
  • Take-Home Examinations: this is the final graded component assigned in a course. It is normally assigned by the instructor of the course on the last day of classes, and it is due the last day of the examination period.

Examinations that cannot be deferred:

  • Midterm Examinations: this is an exam that you complete partway through your course. For full-year courses, these examinations tend to happen in December during the formal examination period. If you cannot complete your midterm examination, alternate arrangements must be made with the instructor.
  • Final Assignments: this is the final graded component assigned in a course. It is normally assigned by the instructor before the end of the term, and it is due by the last day of classes.

Examples of scenarios in which you may receive a deferral would be in the event of serious illness or an exceptional circumstance beyond your control. Please see the University Regulations in Sections 4.1 – 4.4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for details.

Please note that by completing and submitting a Deferral Application you are authorizing the Registrar’s Office to contact those who have provided documentation submitted with your application, including but not limited to medical documentation, for purposes of verifying authenticity.

Further questions or concerns can be sent to deferral@carleton.ca.

How to Defer an Exam

  • Deferral applications for final or take-home examinations must be made using the Online Deferral Application (currently unavailable) no more than three business days after the original final examination or the due date of the take-home examination.
  • Supporting documentation must be provided
  • We do not accept faxed or emailed applications or supporting documents.

Dates and Deadlines

Deadline to Apply for a Deferral

The deadline to apply for a deferral is within 3 working days after the original final examination date or the original due date of the take-home examination.

When Deferred Final Exams Are Written

Deadline for Deferred Take-Home Exams

  • Fall Term Courses: January 15
  • Fall/Winter and Winter Term Courses: May 15
  • Summer Term Courses (Ending in June): July 15
  • Summer Term Courses (Ending in August): September 15

Important Links

