1. Programs in Electrical and Computer Engineering
  2. Programs in Biomedical Engineering
  3. Concentrations and Specializations
    1. Concentration in Clinical Engineering
    2. Concentration in Modeling and Simulation
    3. Concentration in Software Engineering
    4. Specialization in Accessibility
    5. Specialization in Bioinformatics
    6. Specialization in Climate Change
    7. Specialization in Data Science
  4. How to Apply
    1. Entrance Requirements
    2. Costs and Financial Assistance

The Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University has a large and active graduate program. Two Ph.D. programs and four master’s programs are offered. Here is how to apply.

Accelerated Pathways: Are you currently enrolled in undergraduate studies at Carleton University and are considering graduate studies? If so, you may be eligible to take up to two graduate courses during your 4th year that will count towards both your undergraduate and graduate degrees! Complete a masters degree in as little as 18 months! See Accelerated Pathway for details or Contact Us.

Click here for information about other graduate programs within the Faculty of Engineering and Design.

Programs in Electrical and Computer Engineering

M.A.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

M.Eng. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

These programs are offered through the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical and Computer Engineering (OCIECE), which combines the resources of the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering and the Department of Electronics at Carleton University, with the School of Information Technology and Engineering at the University of Ottawa. Together we form one of the largest Electrical and Computer Engineering programs in Canada, providing access to a very large number of graduate courses and laboratories. Custom Viewbook.

Programs in Biomedical Engineering

M.A.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering

M.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering

Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering

These programs are offered through the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Biomedical Engineering (OCIBME) and have four fields of study: Medical Instrumentation, Biomedical Image Processing, Biomechanics and Biomaterials, Medical Informatics and Telemedicine. Custom Viewbook.

Concentrations and Specializations

First choose your program of interest, then you may wish to add a Specialization or Concentration to that degree. You can provide additional focus to your degree through one of our optional Concentrations and Specializations.

Concentration in Clinical Engineering

Interested to learn about how biomedical engineering is put into practice in a hospital setting? Once admitted to the M.Eng. Biomedical Engineering, students can apply to join the Concentration in Clinical Engineering. Participation in this concentration requires an academic supervisor at your home institution and a clinical engineering supervisor affiliated with a local hospital. Together these supervisors oversee the Clinical Engineering Internship and Clinical Engineering Project wherein students receive specific training towards becoming a clinical engineer. This concentration is not offered to our Electrical and Computer Engineering degrees.

Concentration in Modeling and Simulation

The Department of Systems and Computer Engineering offers a concentration in Modeling and Simulation for the MEng or MASc in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The concentration focuses on Modeling and Simulation technologies now used in decision-making by academia, industry and government agencies; for training, logistics, supply chain, manufacturing, communications, autonomous vehicles and more. Students will obtain skills in modeling and simulation through coursework, projects and/or thesis. This concentration is not offered to our biomedical engineering degrees.

Concentration in Software Engineering

The Department of Systems and Computer Engineering offers a concentration in Software Engineering for the MEng, MASc, or PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The concentration in Software Engineering focuses on developing advanced software engineering skills and competencies in cutting edge research areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Autonomous Systems, Cybersecurity, and more through coursework, projects and/or thesis. This concentration is not offered to our biomedical engineering degrees.

Specialization in Accessibility

Students in the MEng or MASc Biomedical Engineering programs can apply for admission to the Collaborative Specialization in Accessibility. This specialization is a unique multidisciplinary education experience that facilitates the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes for building an accessible and inclusive society. Carleton University is recognized as a prominent organization in accessibility, including the Accessibility Institute and its leadership with the Canadian Accessibility Network. More information is available here. This concentration is not offered for our Electrical and Computer Engineering degrees.

Specialization in Bioinformatics

Students in the MASc in Biomedical Engineering can apply for admission to the Specialization in Bioinformatics, which crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries such as computer science, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, engineering and the medical sciences. Custom Viewbook. This concentration is not offered to our Electrical and Computer Engineering degrees.

Specialization in Climate Change

Students can apply for admission to the Specialization in Climate Change in conjunction with the MASc or MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Students completing the program will be better prepared to enter a global workforce that increasingly attends to risks and develops possible options to address the climate change problem. More information is available here. This concentration is not offered to our biomedical engineering degrees.

Specialization in Data Science

Students can apply for admission to the Specialization in Data Science in conjunction with the MASc or MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering, or the MASc in Biomedical Engineering. This will focus the master’s program on understanding how to analyze and use “big data” sets collected by governments, industry, NGOs, etc. Custom Viewbook.

How to Apply

Click here to apply online. This takes you to the Graduate Admissions web site where you can create an application account.

Entrance Requirements

All Programs: Visa students must possess the language requirements posted here .

Ph.D. Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering: The normal requirement for admission into the Ph.D. program is a master’s degree with thesis in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a closely-related discipline from a recognized university, with a master’s thesis topic in an appropriate area, and of acceptable quality.

Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Engineering: The normal requirement for admission into the Ph.D. program is a master’s degree with thesis in engineering, science, computer science, or a related discipline, with an average of at least B+.

Master’s Programs in Electrical and Computer Engineering: The normal requirement for admission to a master’s program is a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering or a related discipline with a CGPA of B+.

Master’s Program in Biomedical Engineering: The normal requirement for admission is a four-year bachelor’s degree in engineering, science, computer science, or a related discipline, with an average of at least B+.

Concentration in Software Engineering: Students entering into this concentration will require an appropriate background by demonstrating that they have obtained the equivalent of a (Honours) BEng in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Information Technology.

Costs and Financial Assistance

Financial support for graduate students is available from three sources: Carleton scholarship funds are available for scholastic achievement, teaching assistantships (TA) for which the student is required to assist as a demonstrator or marker in a course, and research assistantships (RA) which may be provided by the thesis supervisor for assistance in research work. Applicants are automatically considered for financial support. Numerous other special scholarships are also available. International students, who submit strong applications and have high grades, may be eligible to receive some funding for their studies.