Additional Contract Instructor Position(s) for Fall 2024

The deadline to apply for these positions is July 17, 2024

SYSC 3310 [0.5 credit] Introduction to Real-Time Systems

Principles of event-driven systems. Microcontroller organization. Development of embedded applications. Programming external interfaces, programmable timer. Input/output methods: polling, interrupts. Real-time issues: concurrency, mutual exclusion, buffering. Introduction to concurrent processes.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 110

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.


Contract Instructor Positions for Fall 2024

The deadline to apply for these positions is May 22, 2024

ECOR 1041 [0.25 credit] Computation and Programming (Offered Late Fall)

Software development as an engineering discipline, using a modern programming language. Language syntax and semantics. Tracing and visualizing program execution. Program style and documentation. Testing and debugging tools and techniques. Binary number system to represent data in a computer.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 100

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

ECMP 5002 [0.5 credit] Research Methods and Professional and Ethical Practice

The technical and professional duties / responsibilities of engineers; the ethics of the engineering profession; technical and professional organizations. Engineers role in society, including elements of equity, sustainable development, environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations. Introduction to methods of engineering research.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* NO
Anticipated Enrollment 60

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course

EGEN 5202 [0.5 credit] Secure Systems Engineering

Causes and consequences of computer system failure. Structure of fault-tolerant computer systems. Methods for protecting software and data against computer failure. Quantification of system reliability. Introduction to formal methods for safety-critical systems. Computer and computer network security.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* NO
Anticipated Enrollment 60

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

EGEN 5206 [0.5 credit] Web and Mobile Software Development

Developing web and mobile applications. Topics include: client-side/mobile programming language, development tools, graphical user interface patterns (e.g., event-driven programming, separation of content and presentation, layout policies) and framework, interactions with the server-side.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* NO
Anticipated Enrollment 60

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

SYSC 5902 [0.5 credit] Research Methods for Engineers

Topics required to perform engineering research including literature surveys, identifying issues, objectives, and methodology. Technical writing, documenting and presenting engineering ideas and a review of statistics, simulation, optimization and data analysis.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* NO
Anticipated Enrollment 100

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course,

Contract Instructor Positions for Winter 2025

Deadline to apply for these positions is May 22, 2024

ECMP 5002 [0.5 credit] Research Methods and Professional and Ethical Practice

The technical and professional duties / responsibilities of engineers; the ethics of the engineering profession; technical and professional organizations. Engineers role in society, including elements of equity, sustainable development, environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations. Introduction to methods of engineering research.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 60

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

ECOR 1041 [0.25 credit] Computation and Programming (Offered Late Winter)

Software development as an engineering discipline, using a modern programming language. Language syntax and semantics. Tracing and visualizing program execution. Program style and documentation. Testing and debugging tools and techniques. Binary number system to represent data in a computer.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 100

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

ECOR 4995 [0.5 credit] Professional Practice

Presentations by faculty and external lecturers on the Professional Engineers Act, professional ethics and responsibilities, practice within the discipline and its relationship with other disciplines and to society, health and safety, environmental stewardship, principles and practice of sustainable development. Communication skills are emphasized. Candidate must be a Licensed Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 360

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

EGEN 5201 [0.5 credit] Embedded Systems Development

Applications of embedded systems and challenges of embedded systems design; embedded processors, embedded reconfigurable hardware, embedded software; specification, modeling, design and verification of embedded systems; real time systems; construction of event-driven systems; performance issues; practical examples.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 60

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

SYSC 2010 [0.5 credit] Programming Project

Programming, testing, and debugging of small team-based software projects that use data from sensors to display results graphically. Modern programming tools: frameworks, libraries, version control, package management, tool chains. Sensors, signal acquisition, display, and basic filtering. Introductory network programming. Candidate must be a Licensed Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 50

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

SYSC 2510 [0.5 credit] Probability, Statistics and Random Processes for Engineers

Discrete and continuous random variables. Joint and conditional probabilities, independence, sums of random variables. Expectation, moments, laws of large numbers. Introduction to statistics. Stochastic processes, stationarity, additive white Gaussian noise, Poisson processes. Markov processes, transition probabilities and rates, birth death processes, introduction to queueing theory.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 150

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

SYSC 4005 [0.5 credit] Discrete Simulation/Modeling

Simulation as a problem solving tool. Random variable generation, general discrete simulation procedure: event table and statistical gathering. Analyses of simulation data: point and interval
estimation. Confidence intervals. Overview of modeling, simulation, and problem solving using SIMSCRIPT, MODSIM, and other languages.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 150

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

SYSC 4202 [0.5 credit] Clinical Engineering

Overview of the Canadian health care system; brief examples of other countries; clinical engineering and the management of technologies in industrialized and in developing countries; safety, reliability, quality assurance; introduction to biomedical sensor technologies; applications of telemedicine; impact of technology on health care. Cross-listed with BIOM 5406. Candidate should be a practicing clinical engineer.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 70

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

SYSC 4906 [0.5 credit] Special Topics
2025 Winter Topic: Advanced C++ programming

Abstract C++ machine, compiling and linking; smart pointers, lvalue, rvalue, universal references, containers, ownership, semantics; generic programming, metaprogramming, concept specification; concurrency; C++ idioms; exception safety, debugging, performance; API and ABI.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 60

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

SYSC 5804 [0.5 credit] Advanced Topics in Communications Systems: 5G Networks

Thorough coverage of fundamental abstract collections: stacks, queues, lists, priority queues, dictionaries, sets, graphs. Data structures: review of arrays and linked lists; trees, heaps, hash tables. Specification, design, implementation of collections, complexity analysis of operations. Sorting algorithms.

Designated Modality IN-PERSON
Anticipated TA Support* YES
Anticipated Enrollment 60

*Please note that anticipated TA support is based on anticipated enrolment and may change based on actual enrolment in a course.

Qualifications and application rules

Required Academic Qualifications and Skills: Depending on the course, candidates should hold a Masters or Ph.D. in the area of Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering or the equivalent.

Required Professional Qualifications and Skills: Candidates may be required to be a Licensed Professional Engineer (P.Eng.). Please contact the department for details.

Teaching Competence: Candidates are required to have experience teaching. Candidates are also asked to provide a brief explanation of how their educational qualifications and professional experience position them for success as a teacher for the course(s), as qualification/experience relates to the course description(s) (see course descriptions here).

All contract instructor positions are subject to budgetary approval. Advertisement is not a guarantee that a particular course will be offered.

Please submit a CV, a one-page cover letter and a copy of the CI application form found here.

Contract Instructor Positions
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering Carleton University
1125 Colonel by Drive, 4456 Mackenzie Building
Ottawa, ON. K1S 5B6

If you are emailing your CV, cover letter and CI application, please submit only one (bundled) file with the following file name convention: John-Smith CI-Application.
Please indicate in your application (cover letter) your teaching experience and expertise as it relates to the course(s) that you are applying for, unless you have incumbency for the course(s).

The modality of the courses is determined by the University. The courses listed are in-person. In the event, public health authorities impose public health restrictions, part or all of the courses may need to be delivered online as required by the University and as directed by public health authorities.

A note to all applicants: As per Articles 16.3-16.4 in the CUPE 4600-2 Collective Agreement, the posted vacancies listed above are first offered to applicants meeting the incumbency criterion. A link to the current CUPE 4600-2 Collective Agreement can be found at the Employment Agreements webpage on the Carleton University Human Resources website  and the CUPE 4600-2 website.