The following is a list of frequently asked questions pertaining to registering with PMC and how Ventus is used to manage this process:
- 1. I am having difficulty creating a Ventus account. Who can I contact for assistance?
Please follow the log in and account creation steps laid out in Student Module 1 – Login / Dashboard Overview. If this does not work, contact the ITS Service Desk if you are experiencing difficulties with setting up your Ventus account.
- 2. I am a student from another university taking a course at Carleton with a Letter of Permission. How do I get a MyCarletonOne account?
To setup your MyCarletonOne account, please visit the Set Up Your Account – Help Centre. If you require support through this process, please contact the ITS Service Desk.
- 3. I do not have a Carleton student number. How do I get a Ventus account?
If you plan to attend Carleton, please setup your Ventus account after you have accepted your offer of admission and have been issued your student number and your MyCarletonOne login credentials. Then follow the log in and account creation steps laid out in Student Module 1 – Login / Dashboard Overview.
- 4. What documentation do I need to provide to register with PMC?
You will be required to provide medical documentation from a regulated health care practitioner to confirm there is a disability and related functional limitations that have an impact on your post-secondary academic studies and participation. PMC has created documentation forms, one for each disability category, that can be completed by an appropriate regulated health care professional.
The standard documentation requirement for Learning Disabilities is a Psycho-Educational Assessment (PEA) completed by a registered psychologist within the last 5 years or at the age of 18 years or older. If it is not possible to provide a current PEA, we will accept the following documentation for interim accommodations and support until an updated assessment is completed:
- Psycho-educational Assessment 6 years or older.
- An Individual Education Plan (I.E.P) that references a learning disability and previous LD assessment.
If you require technical assistance with uploading your documentation to the Ventus Student Portal, see Student Module 2 – Profile Tab: Confirming/Adding Disability Information.
- 5. How do I schedule an intake appointment with PMC?
Please contact the PMC at or 613-520-6608 to schedule an in-person or virtual intake appointment with a PMC Coordinator. The PMC Front Desk staff will walk you through the registration process including documentation requirements and any additional intake assessments, if applicable.
Want us to contact you? One of our team will be happy to reach out to you to initiate the intake process if you complete our contact form on the PMC website.
- 6. How should I prepare for my intake appointment?
Prepare for your intake appointment by:
- Completing any intake assessment (e.g., AFI, LASSI, OQ).
- Uploading your documentation and intake consent/release form to Ventus. (If you require technical assistance with uploading your documentation to the Ventus Student Portal, see Student Module 2 – Profile Tab: Confirming/Adding Disability Information.)
- Making a list of questions you want to ask during the appointment.
- Checking building location, bus route or parking if attending an in-person appointment.
- 7. What can I expect to happen during an intake appointment?
You can expect the following to take place during your intake appointment with a PMC Coordinator who will:
- Discuss appropriate template academic accommodations required to address functional impairments related to your disability during your academic studies;
- Recommend support services, offered by both PMC and the Carleton community, to assist with your transition, your mental health, and your learning or employment opportunities on campus;
- Review the academic accommodation process and the roles and responsibilities of the key stakeholders (students with disabilities, course instructors, PMC, McIntyre Exam Centre) in the accommodation process; and
- Answer your questions and concerns related to your academic accommodations and support services.
- 8. What does it mean to be registered with the Paul Menton Centre?
Registration with the PMC is voluntary. A file is established at the PMC and you are assigned a PMC Coordinator for the duration of your academic studies.
Documentation is provided to confirm a disability and related functional impairments that have an impact on your academic studies and participation in university life. Disability documentation is kept confidential. PMC registration will not appear in your transcript or any official University records.
Academic accommodations are individualized to each student. Variability may exist from student to student depending on the functional impairments they experience. They are not automatically set up from term to term. Students are required to request accommodations through the Ventus Student Portal at the beginning of every term, and to contact their PMC Coordinators if they require additional support services.
PMC students are required to meet the same academic regulations, standards, and requirements as all students. Similarly, they enjoy the same rights and responsibilities of being members of the Carleton community as outlined in various university policies such as Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy.
- 9. I am not sure if PMC is the right place for me. Who can I talk to for help figuring this out?
Contact us at or 613-520-6608 to schedule an information meeting with a PMC Coordinator to discuss your concerns, whether PMC is the right place for you, and next steps if you wish to register with PMC.
- 10. What can I do to ensure a smooth transition to university?
We are piloting PMC Ravens: Launch to Campus, a new type of orientation event scheduled throughout August 2022 for new and returning students registered with PMC. Participants will have the chance to (virtually) meet peers, PMC Staff, become acquainted with the accommodation process and have the opportunity to choose from a number of workshops designed to foster their independence and self-advocacy skills. We also recommend that you check out our helpful Tips for New Students.
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