Professor Lauriault will be participating in the Workshop on open knowledge, September 29, 2016, organized by the research node Knowledge Organization and Power / Kunskap Organisation och Makt (KOM), at Uppsala University. She will be discussing the results of her work in Dublin and Canada on Open Data Genealogies.

Workshop participants will be discussing Critical and Historical Perspectives on the Contemporary Field of Open Knowledge

“Open knowledge, understood as open data, big data, open science, open access, and free- and open source software, is a growing field of interest within the discussions on E-government, innovation and societal information management. Actors as state agencies, private enterprises and social movements take different views and have different aims, and it is not the first time in history that information and its flows are expected to generate beneficial effects for society.

The research node KOM (Knowledge Organization and Power) at Uppsala University therefore organizes a work shop on open knowledge from critical and historical perspectives, with invited international speakers. The aim is to provide some context and orientation to the future work of the research node. Invited speakers are given 30 minutes to lecture on their chosen subject, and in total 30 minutes are allotted for questions after each session.”

Wednesday, September 21, 2016 in ,
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