How do I know which courses to take for my program?

Review and understand your audit prior to registration. Audits can be run easily through the “MyAudit” feature of Carleton Central. By viewing your audit, you can see which degree requirements you have remaining in your program. The Carleton University Undergraduate Calendar also lists all program requirements.

How many courses should I take to be a full time student?

For degree students, 2.5 credits per term is a full course load. Full Time status, academically, is registration in a minimum of 1.5 credits per term, however the definition of full time can differ depending on your inquiry and the nature of the service office (e.g., tuition fees, OSAP, etc.)  Please ensure you check with the office in question to confirm (e.g., Business Office, Awards Office).

Courses that I would like to take are full. What now?

Carleton Central provides access to courses on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to students who meet all of the prerequisites for classes. If a course is full, students are encouraged to keep checking on Carleton Central to see if a space becomes available or to sign up for a waiting list if one is available.

I am missing a prerequisite for a course I am required to take. What can I do?

To ensure the academic success of our students, students must meet prerequisites for courses they wish to take. If you believe there is an exceptional circumstance (i.e., if you have taken transfer credits at another institution), you may submit an Override Request through the Main Menu of Carleton Central. Please watch the How to Submit a Registration Override Request video demonstration and contact the Registrar’s Office if you need help with submitting an override request.

I have submitted an override request. How long will it take to find out if I have been accepted?

Override requests are addressed in the order that they are received, with priority given to students meeting the department and course prerequisites. Students can view the override decision on Carleton Central, and permission will not be granted in-person or over the phone. University-wide, students can expect a 5–7 business day wait on all override requests depending on the volume of requests.

A course does not appear in the correct place on my audit. What should I do?

Program changes, exchanges or transfers may alter how courses are sitting in the audit. If any course does not appear to be included in the location where you think it should be, email your advisor. Your advisor will review the audit and make any needed adjustments.

Does B.CoMS have a General program?

Yes. Students must be accepted into the B.CoMS Honours program first. Moving to the B.CoMS General program can be complete online through the Change of Program Request on Carleton Central.

I am an incoming student. How can I find online learning and support?

Undergraduate Admissions has created a resource for new students: Virtual support for your transition to Carleton University. Please refer back to this page for future updates.

How can I get support with Learning and Writing?

The Centre for Student Academic Support provides a series of free learning and writing workshops and one-on-one consultation sessions.

What special topics courses are available this year?

See the listing of current offerings for COMS 3800 and COMS 4800. You are permitted to take special topics courses more than once as long as the topic is different each time.