The Department of Economics at Carleton University is pleased to announce that we are hosting Maria Suarez Fernandez (Undergraduate Student, Universidad Externado de Colombia) for the Winter 2023 academic term. Maria is the recipient of the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) scholarship, which is offered through the Global Affairs Canada International Scholarships Program. As part of her scholarship Maria got to choose a university to study at for one academic term and she chose to come to the Department of Economics here at Carleton University.

“Maria will have opportunities to interact with our faculty members and students during her visit to develop and shape her research project,” says Department Chair Hashmat Khan, who wrote her a letter of support for her application to come to Carleton University.

While at Carleton she will be working on a research project that looks at determining the economic effects of the landmark peace agreement signed in 2016 in Colombia between the Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP), which marked the end of one of the longest running civil wars in the world. Maria’s research touches on four major areas of economics – game theory, international trade, economic development, and macro-finance.

Welcome to Carleton University and the Department of Economics Maria!