Vivian Hoffmann
Associate Professor
Degrees: | B.A. (UBC), Ph.D. (Cornell University) |
Email: | VivianHoffmann@cunet.carleton.ca |
Office: | 5140 Richcraft Hall |
CV: | View |
Website: | Browse |
Research fields: Agricultural extension, science, technology, and innovation, health
Refereed Publications in the Last 6 Years:
Hoffman, V., S. Kariuki, J. Pieters, and M. Treurniet. 2023. Upside risk, consumption value, and the market reward for quality. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 105, no. 3 (2023): 914-939.
Most Significant Career Research Contributions:
Kariuki, S. and V. Hoffmann. 2022. Can information drive demand for safer food? The impact of general and specific food safety information on product choice. Agricultural Economics. Awarded Best Paper in Agricultural Economics.
N. Magnan, V. Hoffmann, N. Opoku, G. Gajate-Garrido, D. Kanyam. 2021. Information, technology, and market rewards: Incentivizing aflatoxin control in Ghana. Journal of Development Economics 151 (2021), p. 102620.
Hoffmann, V., V. Rao, V. Surendra, and Datta, U. 2021. Relief from Usury: Impact of a Community-Based Microcredit Program in Rural India, Journal of Development Economics, 148, p.102567.
Hoffmann, V., Moser, M. Herrman, T. 2021. Demand for aflatoxin-safe maize in Kenya: Dynamic response to price and advertising. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 103(1), pp.275-295.
Hoffmann, V. and Moser, C. 2017. You get what you pay for: the link between price and food safety in Kenya. Agricultural Economics, 48(4), 449-458.