Supply and cutting of all keys other than door keys that are worn out or broken. ($30 minimum charge) Broken keys are to be returned to Physical Plant with the replacement key request.
$40.50/hour + material cost (one hour minimum charge)
Departmentally requested lock changes and re-keying of any locks.
$40.50/hour + material cost (one hour minimum charge)
Supply and installation of other types of locking devices and any associated parts.
$40.50/hour + material cost (one hour minimum charge)
Safe, vault or lock bag service.
$40.50/hour + material cost (one hour minimum charge)
Mechanical Services
Cost Base
Installations and repairs on departmentally purchased equipment.
$42.50/hour + material cost
Cost Base
All painting other than scheduled maintenance
$38.00/hour/person + material cost
Contracted Services for the above
Direct cost
Renovations and Alterations
Cost Base
Departmental requests for renovation/alteration outside of the approved capital plan
Direct Cost
Cost Base
Events signage, both interior and exterior.
$35.00/hour + material cost
Updating and repair of departmental directories, plaques, office signage and name plates – In House
$35.00/hour + material cost
Updating and repair of departmental directories, plaques, office signage and name plates – contracted services