Chargeable Services  Facilities Management and Planning

To request a chargeable service from FMP, please log into eshop and select the FMP Chargeable Service Request Form or the Key Cutting Request Form depending on your requirements.  A flat rate of $100.00 will be encumbered for all service requests unless a detailed estimate is requested.  Actual costs will be billed on completion of the work.

Labour rates are calculated at cost plus 40% overhead. Material is at cost (including 3.41% HST) plus .

Chargeable Service Requests should be placed a minimum of one week prior to the requested service date, and earlier during peak periods such as return to class time in the fall and during examination periods.

If you require an estimate, please allow a minimum of 10 business days for your request.

Internal Charges for Services Policy

Move and Furniture Services

 2024/25 Rates

Moving office supplies, furniture, related items $35.05/hour/person + $35/hour vehicle charge
Installation or removal of wall-mounted items and furnishings $35.05/hour/person
Deliveries of boxed or loose materials $35.05/hour/person + $35/hour vehicle charge
Disposal of obsolete materials and furnishings $35.05/hour/person + $35/hour vehicle charge + disposal costs
Room set-up (excluding Scheduling classroom pool) $35.05/hour/person + $35/hour vehicle charge
Supply and delivery of boxes and tape (for moving) $35.05 + materials
Exam set-up (Other than scheduled through examination services) $35.05/hour/person + $35/hour vehicle charge
Furniture repair $35.05/hour/person + $35/hour vehicle charge
Contracted services for any of the above Direct cost + 10%

Event Services

Event set up and tear down costs – contracted service Direct cost + 10%
Event set up and tear down cost – in house staff $42.00/hour/person + $35/hour vehicle charge as applicable
Event coordination and planning (floor plan, layouts, etc) $60.00/hour/person


Event signage, both interior and exterior Direct Cost +10%
Updating and repair of departmental directories, plaques, office signs, name plates – contracted services Direct cost +10%


All painting other than scheduled maintenance $48.45/hour/person + materials
Contracted services for the above Direct Cost +10%


Refinishing, repair or replacement of dept. furniture $51.15/hour + materials
Manufacture of furniture or related items $51.15/hour + materials
Supply and installation of coat hooks and accessories $51.15/hour + materials
Departmentally requested renovations or alterations $51.15/hour + materials


Supply and cutting of all keys (other than broken) $51.15/hour + materials (1 hour min.)
Lock changes and re-keying of locks $51.15/hour + materials (1 hour min.)
Supply and installation of other locking devices $51.15/hour + materials (1 hour min.)
Safe, vault or lock bag service $51.15/hour + materials (1 hour min.)

Grounds Services

Delivery and set up of picnic tables, garbage cans and site clean up for departmental events $37.35/hour/person + $35/hour vehicle charge
Delivery of displays related to dept. student exhibits $37.35hour/person + $35/hour vehicle charge
Set up of barricades for student events $37.35/hour/person + $35/hour vehicle charge
Disposal of obsolete materials and furnishings $37.35/hour/person + $35/hour vehicle charge + disposal fee

Custodial Services

Cleaning of office space on departure of occupants Direct cost + 10%
Steam cleaning of carpets and furniture(non routine) Direct cost +10%

Electrical Services

Repairs to appliances in dept. kitchens $53.80/hour + materials
Installation and repair of dept. purchased equipment $53.80/hour + materials
Installation of new power supply as per Department request $53.80/hour + materials
Contracted services for the above Direct costs +10%

Mechanical Services

Installation and repairs on departmental purchased equipment $53.80/hour + materials

Automotive Services

Repair and maintenance of departmental golf carts and vehicles $52.70/hour + materials

Renovations and Alterations

All requests for renovation/alteration Direct costs + PM fee based on Project Value

Project Value:

< $100K: Fee 10%

$100K – $500K: Fee 7.5%

$500K – $3M: Fee 5%

$3M – $5M: Fee 3.5%

> $5M: Fee negotiated based on project size & complexity

Planning & Design Services
Space planning, design services, furniture selection, layouts Coordinator $60.00/hour
Project initiation Fee – minimum fee for design services when in house staff used for design or estimation services if the project does not proceed Coordinator $60.00/hour

Manager $70.00/hour

SR. Manager $85.00/hour