What is it?

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool. It has built-in chat, voice chat and video chat tools, along with the ability to share screens. We can use it to chat with you, and you can use it to initiate chats with us!

How do I install it and get setup?

First, please ensure that your Microsoft Teams license has been enabled as a student of Carleton University: https://carleton.ca/its/ms-offer-students/. After that, you may log in to your Microsoft Teams account by visiting https://teams.microsoft.com using your CMAIL account and password.

You can also download the Microsoft Teams app to your device (mobile or desktop/laptop) ahead of time, you will then be set up and ready to meet with one of our staff members! More information about downloading the app can be found here: https://carleton.ca/its/teams/download-app/.

What if I run into trouble – is there help available?

The University’s IT department (Information Technology Services or ITS) maintains a help site for Teams – try https://carleton.ca/its/teams/ and see if that helps. If you need more assistance, contact ITS at its.service.desk@carleton.ca or 613 520 3700.

What next?

That should be it – you can now search for the administrator you want to chat with in the chat search bar (eg Karen Tucker for undergrad or Erin Johnston for grad). Advising hours will be published on their webpages.