If you receive an email message “From: Carleton University Webmail Administrator [mailto:webadmin@carleton.ca]” indicating that “You have almost exceeded your webmail storage quota. To avoid account

deletion, please click on the link below…”.    


This is a phishing email and should be deleted immediately.  If you have already responded to this email, and have provided your account information, please change your password immediately.

It is Carleton University’s policy to ‘never’ request this kind of information through email.

Listed below are indicators that your Email messages may be spam or phishing attempts:

  • Generic message greetings, such as “Dear customer or member…” or “Dear Carleton Account User,”
  • Attempts made “On Behalf Of its.service.desk@carleton.ca…”
  • Prompts to “update,” “validate,” or “confirm” your account information.
  • Misspelled or incorrect website address (URL) Requests for immediate action. For example, “Your account will be suspended within 24 hours, if you don’t respond….”
  • Spelling errors

For information on security awareness, please visit our Security Awareness page.

For more information on SPAM and what ITS is doing about it, please visit our SPAM Email Information page.