If you receive an email message asking you to provide your userid and password, do not respond to it.  This is a phishing email and should be deleted immediately. Phishing is the criminal process of attempting to gather personal information such as userids, password, and credit or banking details.

Below is a video produced by the Government of Canada for October’s National Security Awareness Campaign about phishing scams.

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-14609" alt="phishing scams" src="http://carleton.ca/its/wp-content/uploads/phishing-scams.png" width="576" height="329" srcset="https://carleton.ca/its/wp-content/uploads/phishing-scams.png 576w, https://carleton.ca/its/wp-content/uploads/phishing-scams-160x91.png 160w, https://carleton.ca/its/wp-content/uploads/phishing-scams-240x137.png 240w, https://carleton.ca/its/wp-content/uploads/phishing-scams-400x228.png 400w, https://carleton.ca/its/wp-content/uploads/phishing-scams-360x206.png 360w" sizes="(max-width: 576px) 100vw, 576px" />

For more security tips, visit carleton.ca/its/security.