The Office of the Vice-President (Research and International) (OVPRI) and Information Technology Services (ITS) are collaborating on a number of initiatives to enhance IT support for researchers.

New Software Licensing Agreements

Carleton has acquired new university-wide licenses for the IBM SPSS software and NVivo Plus. Both are now available to all faculty, staff and students, free of charge.

  • The IBM SPSS software is available for download at (MyCarletonOne login required). Please ensure that you have enough disk space on your device/computer to install this software, as it is quite large, (up to 2GB).   For more information on disk space requirements, visit
  • The NVivo Plus software is available for download at (MyCarletonOne login required).

Qualtrics Research Core software has been added to this initiative.  It will also be free of charge for all faculty, staff, and students.

These licenses are in addition to the software packages already available free of charge for faculty, staff, and students (MATLAB, Trend Micro, MS-Office 365, STATA, and more). Visit our Site-Licensed Software webpage for the full list of software packages available.

Increased secure data storage capacity

ITS and OVPRI will be increasing the current secure data storage capacity for researchers from 60 TB to over 400 TB.  This storage is backed-up, replicated and stored in Carleton’s secure data centers.

Along with this increased capacity, researchers will have the capability to share their data with delegated users.

Research Computing Services

Research Computing Services (RCS) personnel support and assist researchers in using Advanced Research Computing (ARC) and High-Performance resources available on- and off-campus. This support includes tutorials, training, workshops as well as assistance with porting and optimizing existing code.

If you require research-related IT support, please contact Research Computing Services. All other IT service requests can go through the ITS Service Desk.