Dr. Alberto Salazar, Associate Professor in Carleton University’s Department of Law and Legal Studies announces the first two of a series of webinars dealing with critical approaches to business law issues in a global context.

“Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Capitalism: Beyond Rhetoric”
Alberto Salazar, Associate Professor, Department of Law, Carleton University (Canada)
The University Institute of Legal Studies, Chandigarh University, India (co-host)
July 9th, 2020 at 8am (Toronto time) or 5:30pm (India time)
Join by using Black Board Platform:

“Business Law and Technology in the New Industrial Revolution: A Critical Perspective”
Muharem Kianieff, Associate Professor, University of Windsor, Faculty of Law (Canada)
Author of Blockchain Technology and the Law: Opportunities and Risks (New York: Informa Law from Routledge, 2019)
August 5th, 2020 at 12pm Noon (Toronto time)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 983 1151 3674

The Carleton Critical Business Law Webinars – Global welcome presentations of working or published papers, articles and books in any area of business law. Please contact Professor Alberto Salazar (alberto.salazar@carleton.ca)