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Ensembles News
The Ensemble experience in Carleton Music is an important and highly enjoyable part of our program, providing opportunities to gather, collaborate, develop group skills, and explore new genres and repertoire with professional and experienced directors. Be sure to check back here after August 20th for audition requirements along with news and information on current ensembles, activities and registration. Please see below for current offerings and registration information.
Current Ensembles
Section A | West African Rhythm Ensemble |
Section B | Fusion Ensemble |
Section C | Chamber Music Ensemble |
Section D | Jazz Ensemble |
Section I | Roots Ensemble |
Section J | Lyric Theatre Ensemble |
Section M | Singer-Songwriter |
Section N | Saxophone |
Section O | Guitar Ensemble |
Ensemble Course Registration
Carleton University Choir (Audition Required)
FALL TERM: Register in MUSI 1912A
WINTER TERM: Register in MUSI 1913A
All other Ensembles
FALL TERM: Register in MUSI X914 and select section according to the list above.
WINTER TERM: Register in MUSI X915 and select the same letter/section as above.
For example, MUSI 2914C and MUSI 2915C would be for second-year students registering in the Chamber Music Ensemble.
To register for the ensemble of your choice you must enrol in the correct section.