On Friday, July 7th, registration for classes for the 2023-24 academic year will open on Carleton Central for returning students.  You can find information about the time-ticket schedule here: https://carleton.ca/registrar/registration/time-tickets/. You can now find your own individual time-ticket in Step 1 of the Registration menu in Carleton Central.  The Registrar’s Office also has a website designed to assist you in the registration process, here: https://carleton.ca/registrar/registration/. Their student registration assistance team will be available for email, phone, and chat support.

As you prepare to register, Professor Melissa Frankel, Undergraduate Supervisor, would be glad to chat with you about your course options, and to go over your audit with you to make sure that things are on track with your degree requirements.  You can self-schedule a Zoom meeting with Prof. Frankel. You are strongly encouraged to set up such a meeting, and you can use the same form to book, reschedule, or cancel the meeting if need be. You can also email Prof. Frankel or Departmental Administrator Rima Sanaallah with any specific questions that you might have, and we will be sure to respond within 24-48 hours.

If you would just like a quick refresher on your program requirements, you can find them listed on the Carleton website, here: https://calendar.carleton.ca/undergrad/undergradprograms/philosophy/.  Please be aware, however, that your individual requirements may depend on your year of admission into the program, and that the best guide to your own program is your own audit.  Again, we would be glad to meet to go over your audit with you.

If you would like to see what courses will be on offer for 2023-24, you can find them listed on Carleton Central (public class search tool) or on our website: https://carleton.ca/philosophy/courses/courses-2023-24/.

If you would just like to peruse descriptions of our courses, you can find archives of course outlines, dating all the way back to 2011-2012, here: https://carleton.ca/philosophy/courses/archives/. As you may know, we’ve added some new courses in the past few years, so keep an eye out for those!

If you have any trouble registering for courses that are required for your degree (that fulfill one of your audit requirements, including Course Category requirements), please email Prof. Frankel or Rima, and we will see if there is anything we can do to help you with this.

For some more specific suggestions, please keep reading.  You can also visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CarletonPhilosophy/ or our Twitter page: https://twitter.com/PhilCarleton to stay up-to-date with our department.

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Are you a PHIL honours or joint honours student? 

* Consider enrolling in PHIL 2010 (Issues in Theoretical Philosophy) and PHIL 2020 (Issues in Practical Philosophy).  These are required courses for your degree.  You have to take them at some point, and my suggestion is to do it sooner rather than later.  They can help prepare you for a number of third-year courses.

* If you haven’t yet taken PHIL 2001 (logic) or PHIL 2003 (critical thinking) you should consider registering for them this year.  You will have to take one of these two to complete your degree.  We highly recommend taking these early on in your philosophy degree, because they will help you prepare for your upper-year courses.  If you are not sure which one you would prefer, feel free to email either Prof. Frankel or Rima to chat about them.

Are you a PHIL honours student? 

* PHIL honours students are required to take PHIL 2005 (Greek Philosophy and the Western Tradition), which is a full-year class.  We suggest taking this one this year.

Are you a PHIL B.A. major? 

* If you haven’t yet taken PHIL 2001 (logic) or PHIL 2003 (critical thinking) you should consider registering for them this year.  You will have to take one of these two to complete your degree.  We highly recommend taking these early on in your philosophy degree, because they will help you prepare for your upper-year courses.  If you are not sure which one you would prefer, feel free to email Prof. Frankel or Rima, and we can chat about them.

* Careful not to enroll in too many first-year courses.  You can only take 1.0 credits of first year PHIL courses towards your degree (aside from free electives)!


Are you a PHIL honours or joint honours student? 

* Have you taken PHIL 2010 (Issues in Theoretical Philosophy) and PHIL 2020 (Issues in Practical Philosophy) yet?  These are required courses for your degree.  If you haven’t taken them, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in them this year.  You don’t want to get to your fourth year and realize that you haven’t taken these yet, and that they conflict with a seminar you really want to take!

* Have you fulfilled or are you coming close to fulfilling your “Ethics, Society and Aesthetics” and “Language, Mind and World” requirements? Do you know what these are? If not, let’s chat! If you are not sure which courses fit into which categories, you can find the lists here: https://calendar.carleton.ca/undergrad/undergradprograms/philosophy/ – just scroll down a bit, and you will see the heading “Course Categories for Philosophy,” where you can find drop-down menus of courses that fall under each category.

* Joint honours students must take 1.5 cr of PHIL classes in “History of Philosophy.” If you have any trouble selecting these courses, please email Prof. Frankel, and she would be happy to advise you on your course selection.

Are you a PHIL honours student? 

* PHIL honours students are required to take PHIL 3002 (17th century philosophy) and PHIL 3003 (18th century philosophy).  **We only offer these courses in alternating years.**  PHIL 3003 (18th century philosophy) will be offered in Winter 2024, that is, this coming academic year, and so it will NOT be offered the year after, in 2024-2025.  If you have not yet taken PHIL 3003, and if you intend to graduate in 2024-2025, you must take it this year, in Winter 2024. (Relatedly, if you haven’t yet taken PHIL 3002, 17th century philosophy, you’ll be able to take that one in Fall 2024/Winter 2025!)

Are you a PHIL B.A. major? 

* B.A. major students must take at least 0.5 cr of PHIL at the third-year level or higher, and at least 3.0 cr in PHIL at the second-year level or higher.  Have you enrolled in a third-year class?

* IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO APPLY FOR GRADUATION IN 2023-24: first, congratulations!! Second, send us an email to make sure that you are on track to graduate – you don’t want to encounter any nasty surprises in March!


* All PHIL honours and joint honours students are required to take a number of fourth-year credits.  Honours students must take 2.0 cr in PHIL at the fourth-year level, and joint honours students are required to take 1.0 cr in PHIL at the fourth-year level.  If you are not sure which seminars you would like to take, please feel free to email Prof. Frankel about the possibilities. Seminar descriptions for 2023-24 are here: https://carleton.ca/philosophy/courses/fourth-year-seminars-2023-24/

* If you have any trouble registering for seminars (e.g. if the system tells you that you can’t register for some reason), please email Prof. Frankel or Rima and we will figure out the problem.

* IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO APPLY FOR GRADUATION IN 2023-24: first, congratulations!! Second, send us an email to make sure that you are on track to graduate – you don’t want to encounter any nasty surprises in March!