Photo of Alex Preddie

Alex Preddie

Degrees:B.A. Psychology Honours (2017)

Alex Preddie earned a Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology in 2017, and, following graduation, he continued his education by completing a Business – Marketing program at Conestoga College.

“I would tell students to take the time and think about what they are hoping to accomplish after school. Focus on the courses and professors that share those interests and leverage those opportunities to become a more valuable candidate. Don’t wait until you’re being handed your degree to start thinking about the future.” 

What is your current position of employment or schooling?

I am currently working as a Sales & Account Manager at echosims inc., a digital marketing agency in Kitchener ON

What skills did you learn in your degree here at Carleton that helped you in your current position?

The most valuable skills I took from my degree at Carleton were the researching aspects of my projects and papers. Learning to take advantage of all available online sources has become crucial in the business development aspects of my current position.

Do you have a favourite memory from your program at Carleton? A favourite course? A favourite psychology professor that had a big impact?

My final year at Carleton had me in a thesis project class with professor Rachelle Thibodeau. She did a fantastic job in creating a strict but supportive environment that helped prepare me for the high expectations of the real world. She was a fantastic educator, which allowed me to leave Carleton with a truly positive experience.