Photo of Brittany Fex

Brittany Fex

Degrees:B.A. Psychology (2014)

Brittany Fex earned a Bachelor of Arts General in Psychology in 2014, and, following graduation, she was bridged into a Human Resources Advisor position with the Canada Revenue Agency. Brittany has occupied numerous positions related to human resources, program coordination and project management since starting with the federal government in 2013. She is currently a Senior Project/Programs Officer at Canada Revenue Agency.

“I have applied so many things from my BA to my daily activities in the workplace throughout my career. The ability to analyze data and make recommendations based on research, the ability to think strategically and look at information objectively, and the ability to collaborate with peers to reach a common goal are the key skills that have assisted me throughout my career.”

Do you have any advice for students thinking about taking a BA in Psychology at Carleton?

I would encourage students to find opportunities to volunteer in different fields of psychology and to seek out shadowing/mentoring opportunities to help them find their niche in the vast world of psychology. Every opportunity is a good opportunity, even if you simply learn that a particular job is not for you. Take every opportunity you can find to build your network and get work experience throughout your studies, to help set yourself up for success upon graduation.

Do you have a favourite memory, or favourite instructor that had an impact on you here at Carleton? 

My favourite instructor would have to be Dr. Kim Hellmans, who taught my behavioural psychology course. Dr. Hellmans is super passionate about the brain and she is an inspiration to young professionals, specifically females getting started in the field.